Bad marriage (TW)

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TW(trigger warning):
Abusive relationship

Ron and I have been married for 3 years now. For him it's probably been the best years of his life, stay at home husband. He doesn't have to clean, cook, or work. I do all of it. He's a drunken bastard who just becomes physical if he doesn't get his way. For a year and half now McGonagal has been sending me letters asking if I want to teach transfiguration and become head of Gryffindor. I cried when I received the letter, it's everything I've ever dreamed of. But Ron decided not to let me, because I'd be gone too long, he'd "miss me".

I finally apperated home and when I got in the first thing I smelled was alcohol. I set my briefcase down and walked to the living room, just to see him asleep on the recliner. I walk towards the kitchen to begin making dinner. I flicked my wand and dishes came from the cabinets I moved around the kitchen and began cooking. I moved the cutting board from the counter to the sink as a rinsed it off there was a knock on the door. I guess that woke Ron up cause I hear cussing and the chair creaking. I just continue making food.

Why does she have me going to get the girl. If she doesn't wanna work at Hogwarts then get over it. I thought as I knocked on her door. When I heard the lock click I straightened up. The door cracked open and I got a whiff of alcohol straight to my nose. "Ah Professor, how can I help you?" My nose was assaulted by the smell of his breath. "I've just come to talk with Ms.Granger." He got alittle mad in the face. "Why do you need her, doesn't matter actually. She not here!" He slammed the door in my face. I was beyond pissed. I moved my head to the door and listened in. "Who was at the door?" I heard a female ask. So she is home.

"No one, now is my dinner done yet!" I moved closer as if it would help me hear better. "Yes it is, i wish you'd stop drinking before dinner. You get cranky." That's definitely Granger. "Excuse me! You don't get to tell me what to do!" I heard a loud crash and a small yelp. "Okay I'm sorry." I move back away from the door.

What do I do?

I couldn't think longer because I heard another crash and a louder scream this time. "Ron stop, get off me!" I quickly pull my wand and unlock the door. I guess I timed it perfectly with another crash cause I wasn't heard. I rushed in and quickly listened for where they were. "Ronald drop the knife!"

The kitchen! I run to the kitchen, wand drawn. Soon as I get to the doorframe I see the Weasley boy stab Granger in the arm. "Stupefy!" The boy goes flying into the counter and I rush to the girls side. She looks up in shock crying. "Professor?!" I grab her good arm and we begin leaving. I know a good bit about drunks and if they pushed down they get right back up, even angrier. "So now you're gonna go fuck him huh! That's why he's here right. ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH?!"

I pushed the girl out of the house and turned towards the red headed drunk. "Sectumsepra!" He shot backwards and got small cuts all over his body slowly bleeding everywhere. I turn to see granger staring at me with her hand in her arm wound. "Come here girl!" I snip at her so I can heal her. She winced and came to me looking down. I grab her arm and she flinched. I noticed she was terrified and I wasn't helping. I quickly let go of my hold letting her arm fall to her side.

"I'm sorry Ms.Granger, please can I see your arm so I can heal it?" She looked up at me and gave me her arm back willingly. "How long has this been going on?" She looked to her right towards her open front door.

"2 years...."

I sigh and after I healed her arm I grab her hand getting ready to apperate to Hogwarts.

"Then let's get you somewhere safe, Hermione."

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