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"Ron your supposed to add the snake eyes after the newts tongue." The Gryffindor princess told the idiotic side kick. He looked confused so Hermione decided to switch spots with him and help the potion but what she didn't know was that he had already done too much damage.

She went to add unicorn horn shavings into it but before she could stir it, it started to bubble over and a giant bubble burst and splashed everywhere cause things to be sticky and covered in a green goo like substance. "Ms.Granger! Just what are you trying to accomplish making an abomination like that. Detention at 9 for the rest of the week!" She gasped and looked like she was about to cry. She looked at Ron silently begging him to take responsibility for his potion but he said nothing. Just looked down at the desk that was now covered in a sticky mess. She huffed angrily and began cleaning up the mess. "No leave it, it'll be your task tonight." She looked up at him. "But sir it'll be impossible to clean after it sits so for long."

"Well then next time...don't...mess...up."

He said in a dark tone while taking a step closer to her with every word he said. The bell sounded and she instantly ran off to her dorm, as it was the last class of the day. Crying for hours, and skipping dinner.

It was now time for her detention with Snape and she wasn't looking forward to it, just knowing she'll have to clean the mess up without her wand. At 8:58 she knocked on the large oak door. "Enter." She opened the door and walked towards his desk. "You already know the task so get to it."

He said not even looking up from the papers he's grading. She walked towards the sink and grabbed the wooden bucket filling it with water and setting it down next to the mess then walking back to grab the sponge. She sighed walking over to the desk and began soaking the sponge. She began scrubbing the desk.

She was half way through cleaning the desk when she noticed a shift around her.

Snape had finished grading his papers and he looked up to see Hermione still cleaning the desk. She was slightly bent over the desk trying to reach the middle of it. He couldn't stop staring at her, she had really filled out after the war. He could say she was thick. She had no thigh gap and he noticed her thighs slightly jiggled when she walked. She had a hourglass figure. She was a woman now. He stood up to see the progress she's made and went to stand behind her.

She stopped cleaning and turned around. "Yes professor? Am I doing something wrong?" She asked with alittle sass. "Watch your tone girl!" She looked down and softly nodded her head. "How much do you have left?" She turned to look at the mess. "Half the desk and the floor." He nodded his head and walked back to his desk, putting his feet on his desk and leaning back in his chair. "Well then you might wanna work faster. If you wanna make it back before curfew." He lightly chuckled. She looked up at the clock. She gasped.

She's already been here for an hour. "Sir please can I use magic, I've been here for an hour and I'm not even half way done." She pleaded with him. "No." She was trying not to cry. She turned back to the mess and began cleaning again. "I have a question Ms.Granger." She turned back towards her professor. "Yes sir?"

He took his feet down off his desk and got up again. Walking towards her while speaking. "Why take the fall for Mr.Weasley. It was his potion,...yes?" She was stunned for a second. He stopped right in front her and looked down on her. "Y-you knew? And you still gave ME the detention?!" She almost started yelling at him. "Watch your tone! If I have to tell you again you'll have another's week detention! Now answer my question." She didn't saying anything for a second, thinking of her answer. "Because sir I thought I liked him but today was the last straw of his idiocy. Because of it I'm stuck here with you." He Tsked at her.

"What did I say about your tone Granger." He said sternly, grabbing her chin, and looking down his nose at her. He leaned down placing one hand on the desk beside her and the other hand still on her chin. Trapping her on the desk.

He leaned down closer towards her ear. "Do you really want to spend time with me that much?" He deeply asked. Her breath quickened.

He's so close.

He moved his head back to be in front of her and stared her in the in her caramel colored eyes. She scanned his face. She's never been this close.

He smells so good. And his breath smells...minty.

He smirked at hearing that.

She gasped seeing his face change. "Sir! You're not allowed to read my mind without permission!" She huffed and pointed a finger at his chest. Not backing down. "Oh but your thoughts are interesting, I rather like watching your fantasies that you have in class."

"Of me." He added with a cheshire grin.

She looked horrified. "I-I...I just-" He just snorted and leaned down towards her. Moving the hand from the desk on to her waist Severus stepped closer to the woman in front of him. He captured her lips slowly and gently kissed her. She immediately gave in and kissed back.

I can't believe he's kissing me!!

I can't believe she's kissing me.

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