At The Amusement Park (Part IV)

Start from the beginning

Gray wanted to roll his eyes,

Something else caught his attention.

Two rows behind the couple, sat a grinning pair of Mirajane and Levy.

They smiled down at him with such overjoyed expressions that he was unsure of whether to call 911 or just start running.

They continued their serene stare till, of course, the roller coaster dived.

"It's been so long, Kinana." Eric smiled.

Kinana smiled softly back with a tilt of her head, "Yes, Eric."

He sighed, "Let's see. How did we separate exactly?"

Kinana thought back but couldn't comw up with a proper or fixed reason.

"I... you moved away?"

"Ah, yes." Eric nodded and Kinana couldn't help but rejoice at how familiar his actions seemed.

He was still the same as he'd been all those years ago, except a lot more... masculine...

Kinana blushed.

The Cobra caught her blush, "Um, listen, Kinana?"

She looked up.

It had been a while since Eric had properly looked into those eyes.

"I'm really sorry about Jellal. He asked for your picture. He was just messing with you. He's a real-"

Real what, Eric?

Eric glanced up.

Picking up other people's thoughts was now second nature to him.

What in the hell was Jellal's thoughts doing near his date?

Erza turned to face Jellal, "What?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Erza's hand clenched around her ice cone.

"What exactly do you want with Kinabra?"

Jellal blinked, and then seemed to realize, "Oh, Kinana plus Cobra?"


The handsome man laughed causing Erza to frown.

What was so funny?

Erza thought that the ship names Mira had made seemed rather good.

Jellal stopped laughing to give her a grin, "I'm sorry. It's just that you are way more cute than I expected."

A warm feeling spread in Erza's stomach and she blinked.

Why did she feel so funny?

This was probably the first time anyone had made her feel like a young girl.

Erza was used to making decisions and taking control.

She didn't exactly trust men and their efficiency.

They only talked a lot.

Jellal though was different.

He spewed masculinity.

Erza knew she'd get Mira's funny look for this but that was the only way she could explain it.

He wasn't exactly built or macho, but his demeanor and the way he stated things were different and more intriguing to her.

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