We've done it!!

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*This starts in the light world. Kris just woke up and was planning to relax. They stretched, brushed their long ass hair out of their face...when Ame sat down on the bedside table.

"Kris! Get ready!! You need to look presentable!!" Ame said.

"What...I just woke up..." Kris mumbled, half asleep.

"You need to look presentable and get your ass out the door!!" Ame screeched.

Kris just stared at their crow. "Why..."

"You have a meeting you idiot!!" Ame yelled in her shrill voice.

Kris immediately fully woke up, and quickly showered. They got their usual outfit on, and made a lot of noise in doing so. They tied their hair up, and got themself some food.

"WHEN IS THE MEETING?!" Kris shouted in a panic.

Okay so my dumb ass didn't check which duplicate was correct so I accidentally deleted the one actually done I'M SO SORRY!! We'll jump right into where Sanemi got annoyed with Kris's stimulatory behaviors, and almost knocked them out, but got knocked to the ground.

Kris pinned Sanemi to the ground, and everyone stared at them. Kris pulled out their sword.

"I should have done this months ago." They muttered.

"Kris, NO." Shinobu said sternly. Kris looked up at her, and put their sword away.

Sanemi tried to break free, but Kris just pushed harder.

Kris almost went and stomped on Sanemi's neck, when a bright pink scarf was wrapped around them, and pulled them off of Sanemi.

"Come on!! Let me!!" Kris strained as they tried to break free. Ralsei went and knelt down to them. He put a hand on their shoulder.

"Kris, no. You shouldn't kill your own coworkers in meetings. I do agree, he deserves punishment, but right now would be unreasonable for violence." Ralsei said calmly, yet sternly. He removed the scarf from Kris. "I will be holding your hand for the rest of the meeting, to make sure you don't get violent again."

They went back to where they were standing.

"Master, I deeply apologize for my behavior. I sometimes overreact." Kris stated, kneeling down. "I have been working on not overreacting so much."

"Just don't do it again." Kagaya said.

"I do believe Sanemi should receive punishment for attempting to kill Kris." Ralsei said. "I believe a fair punishment would be allowing Kris to stab him with their sword. Not fatally, of course, but deep enough to leave a reminder, and allow him to feel the pain he caused Kris."

Everyone stared at Ralsei in shock. They never thought he'd say that.

"I will quiet down now, allowing you to continue your meeting." Ralsei said.

They did finish the meeting after a little while. Kris almost went and stabbed Sanemi, but Ralsei stopped them, and told them that he will receive punishment.

Kris went home, and brought Ralsei with.

"Kris, we've talked about this. Give us prior notice before leaving the house!" Sans stated.

"Why did you leave without notice?!" Toriel asked.

"I had to go to a meeting and I would have been late if I told you!!" Kris said.

"It was a rather stressful meeting. You should also probably get off their back about this." Ralsei stated. "They were in a hurry and would have wanted to stay here and relax."

Toriel's face softened. "We're not mad, we just would have wanted prior notice. I fully understand why they didn't give us prior notice."

Kris went up to their room. Ralsei followed. They just sat there, started drawing. They drew each other in the demon slayer art style. They basically relaxed for the day, also went and planted a few more trees. Shinobu made a new poison to test against demons. She tested the poison, and it was highly effective. Almost an instant kill.

Kris was so proud of themself and Ralsei.

To be continued....

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