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*This is another rare occurrence of a chapter starting in the light world. Kris couldn't take it anymore. They had to tell Toriel about this. So, they made sure she was alone when they were going to go tell her. Toriel was just baking a pie, and Kris saw that. They took a deep breath and walked up to her.

" have something to tell you." Kris said. " have to promise not to get mad that I didn't tell you sooner."

"Why would I get mad if you're telling me? You're being honest!" Toriel replied. She put the pie into the oven. "What do you want to tell me?"

"'s better explained in the dark world." Kris said.

"Why is that?"

"It just is."

"Okay. Asriel, can you get the pie out of the oven when it's ready? Kris wants to take me somewhere to explain something to me."

Kris then took Toriel to the dark world, specifically Ralsei's basement. Asher was there.

"Okay, mom, I am not fully human, as my bloodline has also gone from a human and a darkner. Here is some information we have on what exactly I have." Kris said, handing some stuff Asher wrote down and drew to their mother.

" is that even pronounced?" She asked, when she noticed "Kazoron".

"Kazoron..." Kris said. (Cause-or-on)

" don't have a..." Toriel was interrupted by Kris saying "Read the notes."

"Tail and Antennae only appear when in a hyperfocus, tip of tail can change depending on emotion. Tail can stiffen if partner says something while focused, tail wags when feeling...certain things."

Toriel hugged Kris.

"Thank you for telling me." She said. "This is the kind of stuff I should know about. Thank you."

"Thank you for understanding and not getting mad." Kris said. "I was scared you would be mad."

"You should probably lay off the horror games first and little while." Ralsei said as he came into the basement. "But it is good that you told her."

"Yeah. Really good. You should do that more often." Asher said.

Kris sighed.

"I'm also considering talking Asher into reading this book series I've been reading. It's about a Kazoron who became a swordsman. I'm on the sixth book, and a love interest was introduced in the fifth one, and there was some romantic tension in this book." Kris said, pulling out their book. "It's even written by a Kazoron!"

"Where exactly are these...Kazoron?" Toriel asked.

Kris's eyes lit up.

"Ralsei can we take her there?" Kris asked.

"Of course we can!" Ralsei answered happily.

Kris started stimming and squealing happily.

"Calm down, calm down." Ralsei said playfully.

At the gate, Kris whistled to call Nico over. Nico came over, and Kris and Ralsei jumped on. Toriel just stared.

"Come on, mom. Nico can carry a lot." Kris said.

Toriel got onto Nico.

"Um...are you sure this is safe?" Toriel asked.

"Of course I'm sure. I've stood on Nico's back as he flew around in the heat of a battle. Or maybe I have no sense of danger. Heh. Alright, Nico." Kris said.

Nico took off. Kris and Ralsei switched placed just so Kris could make sure that Toriel was okay with this.

"Mom, I'm telling you, Nico is really helpful. Helped us get out that the perfect moments. Like that time Ralsei and I decided to get the frick out of somewhere after I rolled my dnd dice for an explosion!" Kris said.

"Okay, I just don't know how safe you'd think this is considering-"

Toriel was interrupted by Nico swooping down, and it scared her a bit.

"Is that really so safe?!" Toriel asked with concern.

"Yeah, he'd make sure to catch anyone who gets dropped." Kris said.

Nico landed softly, and Kris and Ralsei jumped off. Toriel got off slowly. Nico turned around, looked at her, and nuzzled her.

"Aww, he likes you!" Kris said.

Toriel pet the griffin.

"Alright, Nico, can you stay here? I'll leave you some food and water." Kris said as they set some food and water down. "We'll be back buddy!"

Kris, Ralsei, and Toriel walked through the tunnel, and got to Kazoron city.

"This...this is beautiful..." Toriel said.

Pierce was walking with Frisk. Asriel right behind them.

"Hey Kris!!" Frisk said. "Do you know Pierce?"

"Yeah, I know Pierce. You two friends?" Kris said, looking over.

"Yeah. Hi mom!! This is Pierce!" Frisk said happily.

"Hi, Frisk. Hello, Pierce. I am Toriel, Kris, Frisk, and Asriel's mother." Toriel said.

"Hello!" Pierce said.

Kris and Ralsei walked around Kazoron city with Toriel for a little while, and did eventually go back.

To be continued...

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