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*This starts in the dark world, picking up from the last chapter. A shrill voice was just heard, and then something left Kris's pocket, and took the form of what looked to be a child.

"Hello!" The child looking person said with a slightly shrill sounding voice.

Kris backed up against Tanjiro, who was also very startled.

"WHAT THE FUCK- WHO ARE YOU?!" Kris shouted in fear.

"I am Chara! Your dead older sibling! That's right! You're not the first born! I would be...around twenty if I was still alive!" Chara stated.

Kris almost started screaming right then and there.

"So, as your biological older sibling, I get to bully you! I never got the chance, I didn't think you would hear me!" Chara said.

Kris grabbed Chara by the throat.

"ARE YOU THE ASS WHO MESSED WITH MY SOUL?!" Kris asked, just about foaming at the mouth.

"No!" Chara protested, trying to breathe. "I've just been watching you for the past fifteen years!! I attached myself to the paper flower you had made!!"

Kris loosened their grip. "Excuse me, what the actual FUCK?!"

"Yeah. They left you where they left you because they wanted someone else to watch over you as they had just been told that I died. But I will admit, that's not the right approach, because they just completely didn't contact you one time. So they're pretty shitty." Chara said. "They were real careless."

"Here's what gets me. They thought that they could come live with ME after everything they've done." Kris said.

"From what I've heard, you didn't yell at them." Tanjiro said.


Chara looked around.

"You know what, I will come and visit from time to time, but I want my own house." They stated.

"Valid. Okay, I'll get you a house, it just won't be easy." Kris said.

Chara left, and Kris and Tanjiro sat in silence again.

This time, Tanjiro broke the silence. "Your thought about beings that are stronger than titans...they could exist."

"My dreams always seem to be predictions, but I'm starting to think that they're something other than that." Kris said. "Maybe something like...warnings. There are some dreams that are total nonsense, as dreams are, there's the sleep paralysis, and then there's the realistic dreams...maybe I should take my next realistic one as a warning. The amount of times they've been right scares me."

"You're right, they probably should be taken as warnings." Tanjiro replied.

Kris looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"I should especially be careful because of the whole blood thing for me." Kris muttered.

"Yeah...that must be rough." Tanjiro said.

"Yeah. We all have issues that we're dealing with." Kris replied.

Asher came up. "How did you get...up...here...!"

"I jumped." Kris said.

"I climbed up a tree and jumped off of that." Tanjiro said.

"I literally just climbed all the way up here and you tell me you jumped..." Asher said.

"Yeah, just channeled all my strength into my legs, and jumped. There is a lack of gravity on sky islands, so I got some extra air time. Try it." Kris said.

Asher jumped, and, yes, lack of gravity.

"Wait, you jumped all the way up here from the ground?!" Tanjiro asked.

"Yes?" Kris replied. "Is that bad?"

Asher and Tanjiro just stared at them.

"That's...not normal..." Asher stated. "...nobody just jumps this high normally."

"I know that. Not everyone has the strength to do so." Kris said.

"No I meant that as...I don't know of a single person who has done that other than you." Asher said. "Like, this is not a normal thing humans do."

"And I meant what I said as, I had trained regularly and this is a result." Kris stated.

"No...I...I don't know how to word it." Asher said.

"Think about it this way. The other hashira have never jumped this high naturally, and they're hashira." Tanjiro said. "There is a possibility you could have used a spell."

"Now that I think about it, I could have used it, but I don't think I did. I don't memer." Kris replied.

"Don't you mean remember?" Asher asked.

"I say things incorrectly." Kris replied.

Asher facepalmed. "Dummkopf..."

"Oh, by the way, Asher, I decided that I should try taking my dreams as warnings." Kris said. "You know, to like, see if I can prevent things from happening."

"That's a good idea." Asher said, nodding in agreement.


Asher then remembered a question he had forgotten to ask Kris. "Why do you always run when you think you might be in trouble?"

"I...don't know. Also, I don't always run. Sometimes I completely freeze in place." Kris replied.

"That's still weird!"

To be continued...

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