Filler chapter

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*This starts in the light world. That morning, Kris woke up and put their headphones, sweater, and pants on. And in bisexual fashion, they cuffed the pants. They didn't plan on heading out that day, so they just went downstairs. Kris was the first one awake, and they, for some reason, really wanted pancakes. Like, really wanted pancakes. So, they smacked the light switch to turn on the lights, but...nothing.

Kris panicked for a second, but confirmed that they were, in fact, not in another dark world. They pulled out their phone and turned on the flashlight, and tried to turn on the stove. Nothing.

"Oh shit. Is there a power outage?" They muttered to themself. "I really wanted pancakes this morning, goddammit. Oh well. Thankfully Veronica taught me a thing or two about dealing with power outages."

Sans came downstairs, and almost tripped on the last step. "Why aren't the lights turning on?"

"Because something happened and there's a power outage. I wasn't planning on going out today. Oh well. I'll see if a power cell is any good to restoring power to the town." Kris said. " did explode when Veronica was testing if it could become a spicy I'll try anyway. If I get electrocuted, it'll be a funny story to tell the kids."

"Wait what..."

Kris got ready to head out, and they were about to walk out the door, when Sans stopped them.

"This is...not a good idea. We can go without power for a little while." He said.

"We'll see what happens." Kris said. They went and got Crystal, so they both went on their way to the generator for the power of Hometown (it's not confirmed that there is one but shhh let me write this)

The two were stopped by Napstablook.

"Um...I'm can't go in...this is not safe...!" Napstablook said anxiously.

"No, no. It's okay. We just wanted to test something." Kris said. "Random idea I had. We'll be careful."

"O-okay..." Napstablook stuttered. They floated away, as they were called to something else.

Kris and Crystal went in with a couple of power cells.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Crystal asked her sibling.

"No. I'm not. But it's worth a shot." Kris answered.

The two Dreemurrs got it all ready, and they backed away in case the power cells exploded, and activated them. They hugged each other, bracing for an explosion, but...nothing. Annoyed, Kris grabbed the power cells, went back outside, and threw the power cells onto the ground. Only a small dent. Kris then proceeded to kick it, which shocked them a little. They took the power cells back to their house. Crystal came back too. They were disappointed as hell.

"Not work?" Sans asked.

"No. We thought it would." Crystal answered.

Kris pulled out their lighter.

"You have a lot of candles, don't you?" Kris asked their sister.

"Yeah. I do." Crystal answered. "I'll go get one."

Crystal went upstairs.

"WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT?" Crystal shouted down the stairs.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHICH ONE?!" Kris shouted back.


"WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY CANDLES?!" Kris shouted, slightly annoyed by just how many candles their sister owns.

"JUST CHOOSE ONE YOU JACKASS!!" Crystal shouted in annoyance.


Crystal came back down, and Kris lit the candle in the living room.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Crystal asked.

"That was unreasonably hard." Kris answered.

Toriel came downstairs and lectured Kris and Crystal about swearing at each other. "While I would be mad about that, you did try to light up the house a little bit with the light of a candle, and it is warming this place up and it smells nice."

The Dreemurrs and the skelebros sat down in the living room. They managed to make some hot chocolate and some tea, as Kris used their lighter on the light flamethrower setting.

"Wonder how everyone else is holding up." Kris said.

Meanwhile, with Susie...

Susie managed to get the stove to work, and she made a nice breakfast for everyone.

"Why aren't the lights working?" Sadie asked.

"Power outage." Susie answered. "Kris and Crystal tried to use power cells to restore power. It didn't work. May have been cool in theory. I heard it all."

Scott and Silas are toddlers now.

"Kris and Crystal also shouted at each other and cursed at each other...because of candles. To be fair, Crystal does have a lot of candles. But they probably do smell good." Susie said. "Heard the whole thing."

It was pretty much the same for everyone. They found an alternative to lights.

Back at the Dreemurr's...

Kris was braiding Artemis's hair, Crystal was dying Frisk's hair, because...yes. Frisk learned how to crochet, so they were crocheting some plushies.

Everything went smoothly throughout the day. Kris decided that they should all tell spooky stories about the dark world, even though it may seem a little childish. They called the rest of the group over. Na came along because he's a little mama's boy. Don't judge him, he's six years old.

"...and when Cristina, Kris, and I entered the cave, we saw A GHOST LEVIATHAN!!" Crystal said, trying to make it seem spooky.

"Mama, are ghost leviathans real?" Na asked Ralsei.

"Yes, but they can't hurt you, because they're in the ocean, and deep at that. The ones closer to the surface are sirens, and their kingdom is in an alliance with ours, so they wouldn't hurt you." Ralsei explained.

Everything went great. That was pretty much it for two weeks, until Veronica eventually came around and fixed the power. It was beautiful. Susie no longer had to connect her amp to a car battery whenever she wanted to play her bass.

Whatever. This was mostly just a filler chapter.

To be continued....

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