Tsuguko meet the dark world

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*This starts in the light world. I know you're confused about the title. Kris is training their classmates, and are bringing them to the dark world in this chapter. We're starting with MK and Catti. Also, in this AU, Catti would have a tail, speaking to be anatomically correct.

"Alright. This is something I find important." Kris said, opening the closet door. "Come along now."

"Um...I don't know how this is training but okay..." Catti mumbled.

"Alright, follow me." Kris said, standing in the doorway, hands on the other side. They let go and allowed themself to fall. Catti ran in to try and catch them, but slipped. MK jumped after her.

They both landed on their feet, a bit scared. Catti stood there, tail straightened out, and airplane ears, like a scared cat, because she is a cat.

"You okay?" Kris asked.

Catti didn't respond.

"Should probably give her some space." Kris mumbled.

Kris and MK gave her some space and she eventually went to them.

"Sorry...just scared me." Catti muttered.

"It's alright." Kris said. "Fear is valid."

"Now what? You going to tell us what this place is?" MK asked.

"Yes, this is the dark world. Simple as that." Kris said. "Just remembered that not everyone knows the history of the dark world....whatever. I'll tell you if you're interested."

"I just have one question. Is there..." Catti was going to ask a question, but couldn't bring herself to do it, but Kris caught on.

They pulled out their dnd dice. "Let me show ya something cool."

The three left the castle town, and Kris rolled the dnd dice, for an explosion. Success.


They stood there.

"Try something. From what I've read, some spells may require an incantation. I also once encountered harpies, so that was an interesting experience." Kris said. "I think a fire spell would be pretty simple. Just gotta piss you off first."

"You don't know how to make me mad, do you?" Catti said, looking at Kris.

"I don't like your hair." Kris said.

"You WHAT?!" Catti shouted, both of her...hands/paws were set completely ablaze without harming her.

"Look. Also, I actually like it quite a lot, I only said that to piss you off." Kris said.

"What..." Catti said as she looked down at her hands. "...I just...I just did..."


. You did. Though it was a simple fire spell, you can learn more." Kris said.

"Huh. Anything else you'd want to show or tell us?" MK said.

"Oh absolutely! Don't go into the ocean, there are leviathans! And the water is acidic." Kris replied. "I could show you the scarlet forest, I've completely memorized the layout!"

"Okay, show us this scarlet forest." Catti said.

"It's just over there." Kris stated.

Kris actually took them for a walk through the scarlet forest.

"It's beautiful, is it not?" Kris said.

"I've never seen leaves this red before...it is beautiful..." Catti said. "...how often are they like this?"

"Year round. Still red even when covered in snow, which makes a nice pink." Kris stated.

"Woah...I never knew this was a thing..." MK muttered.

"I didn't until I found it."

They walked around peacefully.

"So...when are we doing training?" MK asked.

"In a bit, I'll be teaching you total concentration breathing. We'll head back. We're deep in the scarlet forest, but I can carry you both back, and run at the same time." Kris said.

"Wait what-"

Kris just picked up their Tsuguko and ran back to the castle town, and fast, set them down, and they went back to the light world.

We will continue in the next chapter I know this was short shush

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