Where is my...FACE?!

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*This is in the dark world. Kris, Susie, Crystal, and Ralsei went out on an adventure while Noelle and Berdly were out on solo missions. The four went to another kingdom. Kris looked around, and found a few figures, but they weren't moving.

"Um...Kris? What's up with these people?" Ralsei asked.

"I....don't know. Let's go look." Kris replied. Kris walked up to a shop, and opened the door.

There was a person there, and the person whipped out a crossbow.

"WOAH! JEEZ!! I'M NOT HERE TO ROB OR HARM YOU!!" Kris shouted as they summoned their shield.

"Sorry, are you a traveler?" The shopkeeper/person behind the counter asked, lowering the crossbow.

"You could say that. I'm honestly tired of people trying to attack or kill me so I'll just say that I'm a traveler." Kris muttered.

"What was that?" The shopkeeper/person behind the counter asked.

"Nothing. I am a traveler." Kris said as they put their shield away. They approached the counter. "So what happened? What's with everyone outside?"

"Some guy came and stole their faces. I'm just the shopkeeper here." The shopkeeper stated.

"Alright. Give me all the details." Kris said.

"He was pretty big, and menacing. I managed to get my husband and kids into the cellar, so they're safe. Can't say the same for those outside. Their faces have been stolen, wiped clean off. I'm not sure what happened to those faces." The shopkeeper explained.

"Okay, thank you. That all you know?" Kris said.

"Yes." The shopkeeper replied.


Kris handed him some money and left, rejoining their friends.

"Aight, so the shopkeeper told me that this guy stole these people's faces." Kris said as they rejoined their friends.

The four went out, and saw the dark lord. The second they saw him, Kris and Susie started cackling. After five minutes of non stop cackling, they finally calmed down and got serious.

"Why did you steal their faces?" Kris asked.

"Why would I not?" The Dark Lord asked.

"What's being gained? Who just takes people's faces? Why would you do that?" Kris asked. "Is it torture?"


"Give everyone's faces back!" Kris said loudly.

"No." The Dark Lord protested.

Kris unsheathed their sword.

"Did I stutter?" Kris asked.

"No." The Dark Lord answered.

"Then give the damn faces back." Kris commanded.

"Oh I'll give them back. You'll have to earn them." The Dark Lord stated.

Okay, so my best friend Owen and I voice acted this on a call and it's quite difficult to write everything down because it's hard to listen to recordings of your own voice without cringing. So basically what happened was, Kris was given the choice to make it more or less convenient in the battle, and Kris chose to fight every monster at once. The four deafeated them. The Dark lord fought them himself and was defeated.

To be continued...

Sorry this was short.

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