We're getting in serious trouble now...

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*This starts in the light world. Kris walked around Hometown, which is being fixed up, and overheard a conversation between Undyne and Napstablook.

"Kris has acted a little....a little off lately. Don't you think?" Undyne said.

"N-now that you mention it, they have acted a little differently..." Napstablook stuttered.

"They seem a bit on edge. Same with Susie. She's gotten slightly more aggressive." Undyne muttered. "Whenever I ask her where she's been for an extended period of time, she usually states that she was with some friends without stopping to process the sentence. Sometimes she even interrupts me."

"T-that's a little weird..." Napstablook muttered.

Kris quickly walked away.

"Wow. They walked away fast." Undyne said.

Kris called their sister.

"Crystal...I overheard a conversation between Undyne and Napstablook...I think they might be onto us..." They muttered. "...this is REALLY bad."

"Okay, uh....we need to call a meeting." Crystal stated.

After some talking, Kris continued walking. They felt as if everyone thought that they acted a little on edge. They were on edge. But nobody knew why. They went to a therapy session they had that day.

After the therapy session...

"I feel so much better now." Kris mumbled to themself. They walked around a bit, and Undyne got their attention. She was standing with Rengoku and Mitsuri.

"HEY!! KRIS!! COME OVER HERE!! WE WANNA TALK TO YOU!!" Undyne said, loudly. Kris bolted over.

"Yeah? About what?" Kris asked.

"We noticed you've been a bit on edge lately." Rengoku stated. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, why do I seem on edge?" Kris asked.

"You ran earlier." Undyne answered.

"Oh...yeah I had a therapy session and didn't want to be late." Kris said. "Being late to my therapy sessions stresses me out. Being late to anything stresses me out."

"Just wanted to make sure you were alright!" Mitsuri said.

"Yeah. I'm good. Just stressed out by some things. You know, the new demons, their bites being infectious...titanium isn't cheap. They can bite through fabric and a lot of things, but not titanium." Kris said. "I have decided on starting to work on becoming a calmer and less violent person. I didn't want to say it at a gathering, because Uzui would've just laughed in my face. Like he always does. It hurts more and more each time. Sure wonder when I'd finally break."

"That's a great idea. I just wish that you'd stop stabbing things in rage." Rengoku said in agreement.

"You can do it!!" Mitsuri said with encouragement.

Kris smiled. "Thank you for not laughing in my face."

That night, a bunch of darkner demons breached containment from the research lab and got into hometown. The light nerds fought the darkner demons, well...most of the light nerds at least. Berdly is still recovering. The demons were were pretty strong, but the light nerds had a good strategy. Unfortunately, they made a lot of noise. To the point where the police showed up.

Kris saw flashlights in the corner of their eye. They got scared. They couldn't move. They were pushed to the ground, and a demon bit them in the leg. Kris immediately severed their leg, and the demon tried to Akaza them, and broke multiple ribs.

The demons ended up getting killed, but the five demon slayers realized how much trouble they were in. Kris was on the ground, bleeding, and with broken ribs. Ralsei gave them medical attention, and held them up. Undyne and a couple other officers came into view.

"God. This looks like it got messy. Kris isn't looking so good." Undyne said.

Kris tried to move and take a deep breath, but...they forgot that they should not do that.

"Ow ow ow ow..." They mumbled as they lifted what was left of their knees up to their chest.

"Is...that a severed leg over there?!" An officer asked.

"These kids are covered in blood. Wonder if they...KILLED ANYONE." The other officer said.

"Don't be ridiculous. They're good kids. They wouldn't kill someone." Undyne said. "Also, I think Kris should be taken to a hospital."

Undyne dropped her flashlight, and the other officers looked around to see if there were any bodies. Susie snatched Kris's severed leg.

"We can go, right? Kris needs medical attention." Ralsei said.

"Of course." Undyne said. "We might call you to tell us everything that happened though."

The five were about to leave, when the first officer noticed something.

"Hey, wait...that's Kris's blood...why is it glowing?" The officer said.

The five teens stopped. Kris told them to keep going.

They continued walking.

The officer ran after them.

"WHY IS THEIR BLOOD GLOWING?!" The officer shouted.

"WE DONT KNOW!!" Susie shouted back.

They eventually got to the hospital, and Kris went into a room with Asher to take care of the whole thing.

The rest sat in the waiting room. Susie listened to some music and almost nodded off. Ralsei was pretty worried.

Noelle and Crystal were talking about how they did that willingly.

"I'm sorry, they cut it off, with a sword, intentionally?!" The monster at the front desk said in shock.

"They were bitten by a demon. A weird kind of demon. There are new ones. The new ones have infectious bites, so they're more dangerous. They didn't want to become a demon." Noelle explained. "Kris intends to drain their leg of all demon saliva and then reattach it. They have strange abilities."

"I'm sorry, what? It should be in their blood!!" The monster at the front desk said. "They'd probably need a blood transfusion or something!!"

"They go feral when a needle gets anywhere near them." Crystal said. "Also their blood is...a little...different."

"Susie, you didn't put rat poison in their blood, right?" Ralsei asked, as he was a little worried.

"No...I would not poison my best friend for shits and giggles." Susie answered.

The officer from earlier came in.

"Um...can I speak to you for a moment?" The officer asked.

"Of course." Ralsei answered.

"So...we looked around and...their leg is gone." The officer said.


Kris stumbled into the room, followed by Asher who was going to clock out. Asher called Kris a dumbass in German.

"It's not my fault. We saw the transformation after the bite." Kris said. "I'm just glad that he's alright. From what I know, your brother is perfectly content eating other demons, and with my own brother."

"Just be careful."

To be continued...

DeltaSlayer PLUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora