Sky islands and the Great Sage

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*This is in the dark world. Crystal was at a Sky Archipelago and someone just came and sat down next to her. It was Great Sage Abigail. The two just sat there for a little while. Not saying anything.

"Great Sage Abigail?" Crystal asked. "Do you know anything about sirens?"

"I remember something about one saving me. I was going into something that could have potentially killed me, considering I wasn't strong enough for it. The siren jumped onto a rock, and started to sing, which lured me over to her. Around a week later, I realized she had saved me, and I've been looking for her ever since. I remember she was blue, and her eyes were like topaz. Her hair looked so silky." Great Sage Abigail said. "I'm still surprised she saved me, knowing that sirens are known to drown people to eat them."

"Yeah. I found out my biological mother was a siren. Biological father was an axolotl monster. That would mean I was born in the dark world, but I can only assume that as a baby I was taken to the light world. I thought I'd lived in the light world all my life. Nope. I was born here in the dark world. Maybe that's why magic comes so naturally to me. Maybe that's why I feel a connection to this place. I'm finally figuring myself out, I met my long lost sister." Crystal said. "Based on her wording, I can only assume that my biological parents are dead. She's got no parents. I'm thinking my mom should adopt her as well. I'm scared to ask her though."

"You don't need to be scared to ask her. Fear is valid though. Take all the time you need, prepare, tell her about the sister, and ask if she consents to adopting her. Ask your sister if she consents as well." Great Sage Abigail advised.

"Thank you." Crystal said.

"No problem."

"Great Sage Abigail, do gems enhance magic?" Crystal asked.

"Yes, they can. Only specific ones though." Great Sage Abigail answered. "A special kind of opal can enhance one's water related spells."

Great Sage Abigail smiled.

"I believe you can find it." Great Sage Abigail stated.

"Thank you. I do have a good sense of smell, and yes, it works underwater." Crystal said.

"I wouldn't doubt it does." Great Sage Abigail said.

The two talked for hours after that.

To be continued...

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