It still hurts...why does it still hurt?

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*This starts in the dark world. The day after the chapter prior to this one. Kris went to the mother of all scarlet trees and just sat there. Tanjiro eventually came over and sat with them.

"You...sort of...snapped yesterday...are you okay? It's okay if you don't want to tell me." Tanjiro said.

"Uzui and Iguro pushed me too far." Kris replied. "It still hurts. Why does it still hurt? I did what I thought was right....that's not fair."

"Doesn't seem like it." Tanjiro said.

They sat in silence for a little while.

"I did mean what I said. Uzui and Iguro...they need to learn how to respect boundaries...or someone's getting hurt." Kris said. "Actually, someone already got hurt, but I don't think they care. Because they are assholes who don't know the word 'boundaries' or the meaning of the word 'personal'.  They need to learn how to take hints."

Mitsuri and Shinobu came along and sat with them.

"I was told to not keep any secrets, so I didn't!! I didn't hold back!!" Kris said angrily. "AGH!! Everything he ever said and done to me always comes back whenever he pulls shit like that!! I'm not childish, I may have childish behaviors, but I can be very mature!!"

"I don't think you're childish." Mitsuri said. "Even if you were, I'd find it rather sweet!"

"Thank you. He pulls shit like that and says that I'M THE CHILDISH ONE. HE IS A GROWN ASS MAN WHO ACTS LIKE A FUCKING MIDDLE SCHOOLER." Kris said, still angry.

They all sat in silence for a bit once again.

"I have, on multiple occasions, considered quitting the demon slayer corps, dropping out of high school, and starting a band with my friends. But I always managed to talk myself out of doing that, but right now, I'm considering that more than ever!!" Kris confessed. "I just cannot stand having to go to school with Uzui being one of my teachers, I can't stand having such an immature man as a coworker...UGH! I know I'm not the only one who thinks he's immature!!"

"Please don't drop out or quit!" Mitsuri said. "I like working with you! Your brother is really nice. One time I found him eating one of the darkner demons and he let me kill it."

"Thanks." Kris said smiling warmly.

"I will admit that Uzui is not a nice person." Tanjiro said.

"He should learn to respect boundaries." Shinobu stated.

"Whatever. He did ragequit Wii fit. Because it called him obese." Kris said. They snickered after saying that. "He only broke the balance board. He then ragequit Nintendo switch sports after I kicked his ass in bowling. He spent the rest of the class just raging. It was fucking hilarious."

Sans and Toriel walked over.

"HEY!! KID!! CAN YOU GET DOWN???" Sans shouted.

"NO!!" Kris shouted back. "I WILL ONLY GET DOWN IF YOU CAN GET UP HERE!!"

The other hashira looked at Kris.

"He's really short. I don't know if he can-" Kris was interrupted by Sans saying "You know, for someone who's got kids, you act a lot like a child."

"I will hit you." Kris said. They then got an idea. "You remember how I outran five other hashira?"

"Kid, your mother and I just want to talk to you." Sans said. "I don't think she wants to chase you around."

"Heh. Also, I am not childish, I am simply autistic. Just because I watch kid shows and have comfort objects doesn't mean I'm 'childish'. The Pokémon anime is iconic and you know it!" Kris said. "Demon slayer is great too."

"Kid, we just want to talk." Sans said.

"Fine, about what?" Kris asked.

Toriel managed to climb up, because, she is a goat monster, and little fun fact about goats, they can climb trees.

"Why didn't you come home last night?" Toriel asked.

"Simple. I was too tired to come back to the house, and Artemis had been put to sleep already, so I stayed at Ralsei's. Artemis asked me to sing 'the okay song'. It was the absolute sweetest. Na's a little mama's boy. Nothing wrong with that. Actually quite sweet." Kris answered. "On the topic of my children...Miss Kanroji, Artemis had three braids in her hair just as you do. She loves it when I do that, because, in her words, she 'looks like the pretty pink and green haired girl'. Artemis also told me that I look like Tanjiro, but she called him 'That cool guy with a scar on his forehead'. She calls Miss Shinobu the 'pretty butterfly lady'."


They just sat there for a little bit. Then, out of nowhere, it got really cold, and started to snow.

"Huh. That's weird." Sans said.

A strange figure appeared in the distance and was rapidly approaching. Seemed like a dragon.

"Wait, I think that's Naydra!" Kris said. They were right.

Naydra switched forms and stood before the hashira and adults that are not hashira. Some strong wind picked up, and Aeolus appeared.

"Kris...we thank you for your assistance." Naydra said. She smiled. "We thanked the harpies. Wherever your other friend is...the one who had the gun...tell him we also thank him. Or you can take us to him. Since becoming dragons, we have access to the light world."

"Okay. I'll take you to him so he knows I'm not just pulling shit out of my ass." Kris said.

They took the two dragons to the light world. The weather was still bad. They went to the Holiday's house, and Kris knocked on the door. Berdly answered.

"Who are those two?" Berdly asked.

"These two are Naydra and Aeolus. The dragons of ice and wind. They have something to say to you." Kris answered.

"We thank you for your assistance with the ice worm. We could not fight it ourselves." Naydra said.

"I am proud that you, a lightner, have mastered the art of flying. I look forward to seeing you fly in the future." Aeolus said.

After that, everyone went to do their own thing.

To be continued...

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