I don't know what to name this chapter lol

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*This starts in the light world. Kris is sitting on the roof of their house, and Tanjiro approached. He jumped up there and joined them.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Reflecting." Kris replied.

"On what?" Tanjiro asked.

Kris stated that it was their light blood, but in Japanese. The fact that there are blood vessels in bones. They explained a lot of things. Tanjiro listened to it all.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. This is my life now. Problem after problem..." Kris muttered.

"I don't know either." Tanjiro said.

Kris took off their fingerless glove, and traced their sigil with their finger, then tapped the middle of the sigil. A ball of light took form above their palm, and they allowed it to float up to the skies. It exploded into smaller balls of light, which then exploded into smaller balls of light, and those small balls of light floated up to the stars.

Ralsei walked over, and jumped up. He looked up.

"The stars are a strange pattern tonight." He said.

"I do wonder..." Kris muttered under their breath.

They traced their sigil in sort of a pattern, then touched the middle with two fingers. Multiple balls of light took form, then did what the previous ball of light did.

All the little balls of light formed the sigil among the stars.

"Is this...a sign...?" Kris asked themself.

"Is what a sign?" Tanjiro asked.

"The sigil among the stars!! I should...I've got it!! I know what I must do!!" Kris said with a smile on their face, also literally standing up on the roof.

Sans came outside.

"Hey! Kid! What are you doing?!" He asked.

"I KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO!!" Kris said loudly.

"THEN DO IT!! GET OFF THE ROOF!! YOUR MOTHER WOULD NOT LIKE THAT!!" Sans shouted with slight frustration.

Kris ran and jumped over to the roof of the Holiday's house, then basically parkour-ed over to the school. They went to the dark world, and parkour-ed onto the roof of the castle, and stared into the distance. It felt like a scene in a show or a movie where the main character goes through some major change.

Kris danced around the roof of the castle, finally knowing what they have to do.

They texted the other hashira, stating that they're going to find a way to fix everything, and...well...they expected more encouragement than they got. They didn't think that Tengen and Sanemi would state that they're probably just going to make everything worse in their attempts to make it better. Kris protested, but Sanemi stated that Kris is an idiot and is likely going to fuck everything up even more than it already is, and that they should give up. He was told to stop, but he just kept going on and on about Kris likely messing everything up way further.

Kris could not believe what they had seen.  They finally had enough, told him to go fuck himself, and went somewhere where they didn't think anyone would know.

They created a beacon of light. Really put their heart into this one, in hopes that if they try hard enough, they can dance among the stars, even for a little bit, to escape from this harsh reality.

The other hashira wouldn't stop trying to text and call them, so they tossed their phone onto the ground, and took off their armor, then jumped into the beacon of light.

This time around, Kris danced with the light. They found a dark room, and filled it with little balls of light as they danced with their tail and antennae taking form.

As they danced, there was music, and they gently sang to themself.

Light and darkness surrounded them, and they danced with it, still singing to themself.

Tears ran down their cheeks as they sang to themself and danced gently, in an area where the floor had water on it, Kris still danced. Their socks remained dry and warm. They danced in the pattern of their sigil, and right on beat with the music, they stomped in the middle, releasing balls of light and darkness from the floor, and they went flying all around, and eventually, the beacon ran out of energy, and Kris put their armor back on, and pocketed their phone. They still ran around, and even jumped, which was followed by being caught by Nico, and Nico flew around. Ralsei was on Nico at the time, intending to get to Kris before the other hashira. Kris turned to him.

"Kris..." Ralsei said gently as he lifted his fluffy hand to their cheek. "...Tanjiro told me about how something happened, and you didn't reply. The other hashira called, but you didn't pick up, why?"

"I would say that my phone died, but that would be a lie. I just needed some time to myself, you know? But you're here now." Kris said. They noticed that Ralsei was close to slipping and falling off, so they put their hands on his hips and pulled him a little too close, even though they were paying attention to what they were doing. 

The two stared at each other for a bit, and they both got very flustered, and Kris backed up a little to give him a little space. They avoided eye contact for a little bit. Kris's face was pretty red, but they cleared some of it up. Ralsei squeaked quietly, and got himself to calm down. Kris was staring into the distance to their left, and Ralsei did the same. Nico swooped down, causing Ralsei to slip, and he was caught by Kris and they were right up against each other at this point, still avoided eye contact, and Ralsei backed up a little. Kris side eyed Ralsei, and Ralsei eyed them right back. They finally looked at each other. Kris felt their heart pounding in their chest, and even heard it. Their hands started to sweat, so they removed and pocketed their gloves. Ralsei could feel his ears go pink, he wanted to break the eye contact but at the same time didn't. His glasses started to fog up, so he removed them completely. Everything was so blurred, but he could still see Kris well because they're close. Ralsei slid his hand over to Kris's, and they got close to each other. Kris leaned in, and so did Ralsei. Ralsei could still see Kris's red eyes, and they didn't seem so soulless. Kris gently closed their eyes as their lips touched Ralsei's soft lips, and wind picked up and got stronger, causing Kris's hair to come mostly undone with the hair tie at the ends as their lips locked with Ralsei's. Kris put their hand onto Ralsei's cheek as they kissed. When they pulled away, Kris's hand was still on Ralsei's cheek.

To be continued....

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