One does not simply "embrace their power"

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*This starts in the dark world. Kris is at the research lab, talking to Ralsei.

"I've taken some time to process this, and now I'm going to tell you. I created a beacon of light to speak with an ethereal being." Kris said, as they paced around. "Okay, if we're going to talk about this, we should do it in the Kazoron language."

They talked about it in the Kazoron language (because of course they did) and Asher came in.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Oh nothing important." Kris answered.

"It must be important if you're using another language." Asher stated.

"Okay, okay, it's something I wanted to keep in between me and Ralsei for now." Kris said. "Mostly because I know that I can trust him with this."

Asher left the room, and Tengen came in right as Kris mentioned something about speaking with the same being. They said so in the Kazoron language because they didn't want anyone finding and potentially delaying the plans.


They continued talking, and Tengen just sat there in confusion. Kris and Ralsei took each other's hands and left, going to go do something important. They went to the sky archipelago that they went to, and Ralsei stood on another island as Kris removed their armor and created the beacon of light, they closed their eyes as they entered.

They opened their eyes, and met the kazoron once more.

"Hello again, dear child." She said.

" did you mean by 'embrace my power'?" Kris asked.

"Gain full control of the light spell, reach your potential, show everyone the hero that you can be." The Kazoron answered.

"Thank you for that clarification." Kris said.

"I will answer more questions if you have any." The kazoron stated.

"If I fight hard enough in the light world, will my light blood cause me to glow?" Kris asked anxiously.

"It may cause a faint glow." The Kazoron answered. "It would be subtle, but it'd be there."

"What do I do if people find out about my light blood and how it gives unnatural abilities?" Kris asked.

"They would either forget about it, try to take it by force, or just accept it." The Kazoron answered. "But still keep the secret—and your blood—safely contained. Not even I know what they might do with it."


The Kazoron's eyes widened as she noticed something. "What's this? Is the Rune Prince...arguing with some people?!"

Kris's blood ran cold, but they decided to calm themself down. "I would like to continue speaking with you."


The Kazoron shifted her position.

"Now, child. Everything may be falling apart, but there's a light inside your soul that's still shining in the cold. I believe you can do so." She stated.

"Thank you." Kris said.

"We may speak again." The Kazoron said.

"Thank you, really." Kris said. They left, and saw the familiar dark world, and the other hashira.

"THEY ARE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!" Ralsei stated, quite loudly.

"If it's important, then why don't they tell us?" Iguro asked.

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