Harpies scare me

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*This is in the dark world. Kris decided to do some exploring despite any dangers that may exist. Susie came with because Kris found an area in the desert similar to gerudo highlands in breath of the Wild and tears of the kingdom. So they're there now, but they don't know the danger that awaits them...

"Goddammit Kris...I'm bored." Susie said in a slightly annoyed manner.

"I am too. If we played music or something, we would be found and likely killed. You never know what you can find." Kris said.

"Paranoid much? You're a swordsman with a light spell, and I am a fucking poison dragon." Susie said.

"I know, it's just...you never know what could sneak up on you." Kris replied.

Just then, Kris heard a weird voice.

"I...I just heard a weird voice. I'm going to go check it out." Kris stated.

"Alright, don't die."

Kris got to this weird cave. The voice echoed through it. It sounded as if it were some curse...like...some perish song. Like a chant is some kind. A harpy appeared and starting to sing a strange song. Kris immediately backed out of the cave and ran. Susie looked over and saw them running.

"SUSIE WE SHOULD RUN!! NOW!!" Kris shouted in a panic.

"What happened?" Susie asked.

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN JUST GO!!" Kris shouted.

The two started running, but the harpy followed them. Kris picked up a rock, and chucked it at the harpy, hitting it in the face. The harpy shrieked and flew away.

Kris and Susie stopped running as soon as they got to the castle town. It was quite a while. They only stopped a couple of times along the way. Kris was so out of breath. Susie dragged Kris into Ralsei's house.

Kris was so tired from running so much. They sat down in a random chair. Incorrectly. Susie laid down on the couch as well. On her stomach, because her tail and spike on her back would get in the way of her getting comfortable. Ralsei walked in.

"Uh...Kris? Why are you sitting like that?" He asked with confusion.

"It's comfy." Kris answered.


Ralsei sat down in another chair. After about an hour, Kris said something.

"You know, I think that harpy earlier tried to kill me." Kris said.

"I wouldn't doubt it. Seems like EVERYTHING wants to kill you." Susie said. "Sirens. Demons. Leviathans. Beasts. Everything."

"Seriously. That felt like a curse. I might die in three days." Kris said.


Kris and Susie just looked at Ralsei.

"Yeah. I threw a rock at the harpy, and it shrieked and decided it would fuck off." Kris said. "Probably because I hit it in the face."

"Um...you do realize that if a projectile is used against a harpy, then the harpy absolutely WILL track down the person who used it and attempt to kill them? They have been known to do so, especially within the span of a week." Ralsei said a little nervously. "I've read books about harpies..." 

"Oh." Kris said.

"Yeah that's not good. We're already fighting off demons whose bites are infectious." Susie replied.

"Um...do they give up?" Kris asked.

"No. No they do not." Ralsei answered.

Kris's heart skipped a beat.

"Heh...um...well...that's...that's not good." Kris said. They laughed nervously.

"Yeah...I did read that a good way to get the harpy to not find you is to apologize in a way that the harpy would accept, or continue on with life but cover your traces." Ralsei said.

"Oh great, I just make a YouTuber apology video!" Kris said jokingly.

Susie laughed at what Kris just said.

"I'll get the ukulele!" Susie said.


Kris almost suffocated laughing.

"No. Never. I'm not doing that one." Kris said with a serious tone.

"I was just joking." Susie replied, side eyeing Kris with her golden yellow dragon eyes.

"I'll just tell the harpy that I am sorry that I threw a rock at it. And tell it that I was just scared." Kris said.

Kris and Ralsei went outside, and the harpy immediately grabbed Kris's shoulders, and dug its talons into their skin, as they didn't have anything covering their shoulders.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was just scared. I acted quickly out of fear." Kris said calmly, keeping eye contact with the harpy. "I really am sorry."

The harpy loosened its grip. This hurt.

"I can try a healing spell if it still hurts." Kris said. They rolled their dnd dice, to completely heal the harpy of any pain and ailments. Good roll.

The harpy let go, and smiled. It then flew off. Ralsei used a healing spell so Kris wouldn't get more scars.

"You have a lot of scars..." Ralsei said, putting his hands onto Kris's shoulders.

"I do. Too many, really. I'm hoping that my regular consumption of sea moss could help most of them fade away." Kris replied.

Ralsei hugged Kris. "You wanna hang out at my house?" Kris asked.

Kris, Susie, and Ralsei went over to the Dreemurr's.

Kris, Crystal, Ralsei, and Susie played some Mario kart until well after 11pm, and they each nodded off by midnight.

The next day, in class...

"Well, add harpies to my list of fears." Kris muttered.

"What was that?" Rengoku asked.

"Add harpies to my list of fears."

Rengoku turned around, as he misheard Kris.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" He asked.

"I said HARPIES." Kris answered sternly.

"Okay...just making sure...I misheard you." Rengoku replied.

To be continued...

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