Favors for favors, you say?

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*This is in the dark world. Kris and Susie went over to Nemona's Desert. Nemona had gotten a PDA a week prior to when This chapter is taking place. She messaged Kris on the PDA, asking them for a favor. Kris and Susie went to the desert. Nemona was waiting for them.

"Oh damn. Y'all have a griffin?" Nemona said.

"He's mine. His name's Nico." Kris said.

"Nice. So I was going to ask you something. Favors for favors." Nemona said.

"Favors for favors, you say?" Kris asked.

"Yes. We have some beast that's making a huge mess of everything. Kill it and I'll give you every location marked in this desert on the PDA." Nemona stated.

"Deal." Kris replied.

Nemona led Kris and Susie to where the beast was.

"I assume the thing uses echolocation? Or observes vibrations of some kind? I can do that too." Susie said.

"Yes. The stupid thing is really annoying. Don't tell anyone, but I've been training in secret. I want to help you in any way I can." Nemona said.

"That's fair. Kris and I can handle this. Let's do this." Susie said.

Susie stomped and the beast came out of the sand. It had razor sharp teeth, and skin like a suit of armor. This wouldn't deter Susie though. Her teeth were sharper than a razor. She jumped into it, biting its face, and scratching at it with her long and sharp nails. Susie then whipped out her ax, and slashed at the beast with the ax. Kris jumped at the beast too. Their sword was pretty damn sharp. They tore the beast's back open. Susie chopped its limbs off. The two then sliced its head off.

When Kris and Susie got back to Nemona, she already had the PDA out.

"Sending the locations right now, oh, yeah, I also found this." Nemona said. She pulled out a very weird looking machine. It was broken down. "It's really weird, and I'm not sure what we could do with it."

Susie picked it up.

"Hmm. We could give this to Veronica. She's the one who built the PDA." Susie said.

"Alright. I'm also sending you the information we have about plants and things. Here, you can have them for research purposes." Nemona said. She handed over some weird plants.

"Thanks." Kris said. "We'll see you later. Wanna come over to Ralsei's next week for some tea?"

"I'd love to!" Nemona said. "Thanks!"

Kris and Susie went back to Ralsei's and Kris brought the new plants into the basement.

To be continued...

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