Siren research

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*This is in the dark world. We're starting this chapter a little differently. Shinobu is completely stumped. She can't find a way to properly research Sirens. She even called Asher over and he couldn't figure it out. They're in Ralsei's basement, as the research lab is a work in progress at the time of this chapter.

"I just don't know how we can do more research on sirens." Shinobu said, putting her palm to her face.

"I don't know what to do either." Asher said.

Shinobu sighed.

"We can't just jump into the ocean with oxygen tanks, the water is acidic. I remember that Kris had accidentally gotten it into their system at one point, and it was not good. They told me that it burned their throat and chest, and it had hurt to cough so hard." She said.

"How did they even get it into their system?" Asher asked.

"Broken oxygen tank." Shinobu answered, shaking her head. "CRYSTAL? CAN YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS PLEASE?"

Crystal came down the stairs. "You called?"

"Yes, Asher and I have a favor to ask you." Shinobu said.

"Well, what's the favor?" Crystal asked.

"We want to see if the ocean water affects you in any way." Asher stated. "We also want to do some research on sirens."

"Okay." Crystal said.

The three proceeded to go over to the beach.

"Okay, now can you go into the water?" Shinobu asked.

"Yeah." Crystal said as she walked over to the water. She removed her shoes, gently set them down in the sand, and then got into the water. She was in neck deep.

"Okay, can you go fully in? Does that not hurt?" Shinobu asked.

"I can fully submerge myself, yes. No, it does not hurt. I could help research ocean life." Crystal answered.  She took out her side ponytail and fully submerged herself in the water. She swam all around, and then walked out of the water.

"What exactly are you again?" Asher asked.

"I was under the impression that I was fully an axolotl monster, kind of like how Azzy WAS a full goat monster, now a demon but that's not important. Turns out I'm actually a cross between an axolotl monster and a Siren." Crystal said. "I find it a bit weird that I can swim in any kind of water, but Veronica can only swim in freshwater. Maybe it's siren genetics."

"Hm. You're probably right." Shinobu said, she nodded as she did so.

"We should put that to the test though." Asher stated.

Crystal and Shinobu agreed.

"I wanna see if I can swim up waterfalls like the zora in the legend of Zelda!" Crystal stated.

"Let's try the other types of water first!" Shinobu said, in the way that was kind of like the way that tanjiro was told to work on the twelve kizuki before muzan.


Shinobu, Crystal, and Asher went over to a nice lake. Crystal jumped in. She swam all around that one too.  She climbed out, perfectly fine. She even did a nice hair flip.

"Interesting. I'm thinking we should get like..a full siren to help with this, do you think you could?" Shinobu said.

"Of course!" Crystal said. She went and got a siren. A full siren.

They ran the same tests. Same results.

"Thank you for the help!" Crystal said to the siren. 

"Any time!" The siren replied. "I had a lot of fun! That was the first time I've ever seen humans! They're so interesting!"

The siren went back into the ocean.

About a week later, Crystal was sitting on a cliff by the ocean. She was also singing beautifully. Veronica walked over, and sat down next to her. Crystal finished the song, and remembered the smell of wisteria and machinery.

"You have a beautiful voice..." Veronica said, looking and sounding all dreamy.

Crystal blushed.

Veronica then seemed to snap out of something.

" shining gem....what just happened? I heard a beautiful voice, promising something. I followed it...was it yours?" Veronica said.

"Um...yes..." Crystal replied. "Veronica...I have something....something I've gotta tell you."

"Tell me." Veronica said, taking Crystal's hands.

"I'm partially a siren. My biological mother was a siren. My biological father was an axolotl monster."  Crystal said. "I didn't know until recently."

Veronica's eyes appeared to just light up.

"That's why you have such a naturally beautiful voice..." Veronica said. "I knew there was something up. Your beauty has always been something I looked forward to seeing when I was going to see you. Your ability to identify smells. Your ability to draw up ideas."

Veronica cupped her girlfriend's left cheek. Crystal's eyes lit up.

The two closed their eyes, and kissed. The atmosphere was perfect. The cliff. The stars shining. The waves crashing on the cliffs. After the kiss, they both got up, and went back. Crystal made sure to inform Shinobu on the whole thing.

Shinobu put the information into the PDA.

To be continued...

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