Just saying a few things, you don't have to read this one lol

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If anyone is actually reading this, thank you. I put a lot of work into these chapters. I'm not the only one writing this, as I pitch ideas to my best friend Owen and he gives feedback and sometimes pitches ideas himself. We put lots of thinking into this writing, so I'd like to thank you for reading!

Now onto the announcement! Crystal's character arc has officially started! With Susie's, I had lots of ideas, Crystal is a bit more difficult though. Even though she's my own character. The one song I really can see Crystal using her siren power with is Birth Of Venus by Banshee. That being sung with Cristina, Veronica, and/or a reaper siren.

I'm thinking the great Sage could appear in all the character arcs, having some important part with it. We'll see!

Thank you!

DeltaSlayer PLUSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ