Oh No

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*This is in the dark world. Around a couple of days after Kris and Ralsei went to the ruins. Kris woke up in an unfamiliar place, Ralsei right beside them. Kris didn't know how much time had gone by. It appeared to be some kind of forest, but there was fog everywhere. Kris decided to carry the fluffy Prince. So they scooped him up, and carried him like someone would a princess. Kris got pretty far in the forest, when Ralsei woke up.

"Huh...Kris? Where....are we?" The tired fluffy Prince asked.

"I don't know. But I do know you're here with me." Kris said with a smile on their face. "Your cute fluffy self if here with me."

Ralsei then started to blush a bit.

"I know I say this a lot, but I love it when you blush like that. It's one of the cutest things ever." Kris said as they continued to carry the fluffy Prince.

Ralsei then started to get a bit flustered.

"No need to worry about walking at the moment, I'm going to carry you."

Ralsei's face went bright pink. Kris smiled.

They carried him through the entire forest, and found they were in fact on a plateau. Kris then set Ralsei down.

"We're on a plateau?" Ralsei said with confusion.

Kris scratched the back of their head with confusion as well.

"Yeah, I don't- MMPH-" Kris got interrupted by someone grabbing them by the face from behind, covering their mouth so they can't scream. Ralsei heard their panic, and immediately whipped out his hatchet, and the next thing he knew, he had almost mutilated someone. However, he had freed Kris, and they were protecting him from seeing the damage. However, Ralsei's efforts weren't enough, as both he and Kris found themselves tied up somewhere. Kris was alone in a room, tied to a chair. They were going to make a comment on it being rather cliche, but they realized there was a piece of fabric tied around their face, covering their mouth. They groaned in annoyance because this is rather cliche. Kris then attempted to kick, and managed to get down onto the floor, still tied to the chair, and they were face down. They tensed up, and made a strange movement that allowed them to break the chair. Now they're just lying on the floor, squirming around. They tensed up once more, remembering they had the warrior's glove on, they sliced the rope holding their wrists together.

Kris then freed themself, and found their cloak and sword, taking both. They then left the room, and whistled something they knew Ralsei would recognize, hoping they would find him. Kris then went through this unknown building. They eventually found Ralsei tied up.

"KRIS, RUN!" He shouted.

Kris ran up to their boyfriend.

"Not without you!!" Kris replied, freeing the Prince. "Okay, from my personal experience, these boots are annoyingly loud. I'm removing them for now. I have socks on, this should be fine."

Kris and Ralsei then started running while holding hands to get away, and they found themselves in a room surrounded by random guards. Kris then noticed the potential danger, so, they scratched the sigil that's on their palm onto the floor. The sigil started to burn and glow. Kris then removed their gloves, and held Ralsei close to their chest, as a beacon formed. The force of the beacon's formation was similar to the opening of a dark fountain. Ralsei squeaked nervously and held on tightly to Kris.

The force of it pushed the guards into walls, and even knocked them out. Ralsei then found an exit, and ran out with Kris, but something was off about them. They seemed a bit...weird. Ralsei worried that Kris may have gotten brain damage.

"Woooh....haha...yea....we're out....of there...." Kris said, sounding rather tired. They dropped to their knees, and were caught by Ralsei.

"Kris? Are you okay?" Ralsei asked, checking if anything was remotely wrong.

"Hey...where did you get four heads? I wanna kiss 'em." Kris replied, reaching out to the fluffy boy, and they just sat right next to him trying not to fall asleep.

Mitsuri and Rengoku ran up. They saw the beacon of light.

"Kris? Are you okay?" Mitsuri asked, tilting her head in concern.

"I think they're really tired." Ralsei answered. He tried using the pacify spell on them, and it immediately put them to sleep. His entire face was pink.

"Did you put them to sleep?" Rengoku asked.

"Yes." Ralsei answered. Just then, Kris wrapped their arms around Ralsei, hugging him like a little teddy bear. Ralsei cannot get even more flustered.

"I did once carry them always back to their house and they were still asleep, you likely can too." Rengoku said.

"I don't wanna wake them up!" Ralsei replied.

"I can carry them." Rengoku said.

It was pretty late, so Rengoku carried Kris back to their house, and Ralsei followed.

Kris was laid down on the couch, and Ralsei just nodded off on the couch.

Toriel came downstairs, and saw them. She thought it was adorable and took a picture of it. She didn't want to wake them up. Toriel then went back upstairs.

The next morning, Kris saw something fluffy in front of them. They quickly realized that it was Ralsei, and that they were just snuggling each other. They got really flustered, and then decided to not move until he woke up. After Ralsei did wake up, the two just went on with their day.

To be continued...

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