Sigils and Tears

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*This is a couple weeks later, still in the dark world. Kris and Ralsei decided to go to a sky archipelago that they had found on an adventure. There's a sigil on one of the islands. Ralsei stood on an island very close to the one with the sigil. Kris knelt down on the sigil. They tried using the light spell but they need to use their sword for it. Lux, the dragon of light, just so happened to be flying around. Lux shed a tear, it glowed as it fell. Kris had their hands out, gloves off. The glowing dragon tear landed onto Kris's palm. Kris happened to have scratched their hand on a sharp rock, so they had an open wound, and the tear just flowed into their wound. Kris expressed their pain, as it stung quite a bit, and their eyes were shut tight. When they opened their eyes, they saw a line going around their hand, and went into the shape of the sigil. Kris looked up and saw Lux.

"Huh. Probably just a magic thing." Kris said, bandaging their hand, and slipping their gloves back on.

Ralsei went over to Kris.

"Are you okay?" Ralsei asked.

"Yeah. Just got something like a dragon tear in an open wound I had." Kris replied. "I saw the sigil just start to get sort of...drawn into my palm, but it's probably just a magic thing."

Kris thought nothing of the sigil. Other than "Oh it'll just go away in the morning!"

The next morning, Kris was woken up by a strange light in their eyes.

"Ugh...fine I'll get up..." Kris muttered. They sat up, and rubbed their eye which somehow made it worse.

Kris looked at their palm. The sigil is now glowing. Kris then slipped their warrior's glove on, and went to Ralsei's room.

"Um...Ralsei?" Kris said, shaking Ralsei.

Ralsei rolled over and sat up.

"You okay? It's 6 in the morning..." Ralsei said.

"Um...the sigil...on my glowing." Kris replied, removing their glove.

"Wha...WHAT?!" Ralsei nearly shouted as the light shined into his eyes. He blinked and put his glasses on. "It really is!"

Kris and Ralsei looked at each other.

" we call? What do we do?" Kris asked.

"I don't know. Let's go see if we can find anything on sigils. You know how I have a library here." Ralsei replied.

The two looked around in the library. Anything about sigils.

Kris went to the very back of this massive room, and brushed dust off of the books. One specific title caught their eye.

"Sigils and Symbols for human lightners..." Kris read out loud.

Kris then looked around. They pulled the book from the shelf, and opened it. It was full of dust. Naturally, all that dust made Kris cough a couple times. (I literally sneezed writing that lmfao) Kris then held out the book and smacked it a couple of times.

"HEY RALSEI!" Kris shouted from across Ralsei's library. "COME CHECK THIS OUT!!"

"What are you doing all the way over there?" Ralsei asked as he walked over.

"I was looking for books that could possibly help." Kris replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Sigils and Symbols for human lightners?" Ralsei said, confused. "I- I didn't know that was back here."

"I opened it and it was full of dust. I smacked it a couple times. Now let's take that downstairs and see what we can find." Kris said.

The two went down to the kitchen. A swatchling came in.

"Do either of you need anything?" The nice bright red swatchling asked.

"There is quite a lot of dust in the back of the library...the very back...I'd appreciate it if you dusted off those books, and gave each one a good stack to get the dust out." Kris said. "Thank you!"

"Certainly!" The swatchling said as he walked away.

"Alright! Let's see what we got!" Kris said as they opened the book.

The two looked through until they got to a certain page.

"Light dragon sigil..." Kris pointed out. They laid their hand down right next to the picture of the sigil.

They matched. Perfectly.

Kris started to panic.

"W-what does this mean?!" Kris stuttered as they stepped back. "A-am I going to turn into a dragon?!"

"No...I don't think you will. Let's see if there's anything interesting." Ralsei replied, calming Kris down.

Kris came back to the table.

"The light dragon sigil...usually a signature of a connection with Lux, the light dragon. Can enhance spells, but it will likely be harder to gain control of the light spell." Ralsei read out loud. "But if you already learned the light spell, you have already done something big."

"Huh. Can we go back to those sky islands? They feel...magical...ethereal, even." Kris said.

"Of course!" Ralsei replied.

The two went to the sky islands.

Kris got into a battle stance and held out their hand. Ralsei standing by their side. They hear screeching in the distance. The two looked over and it was a griffin. The griffin landed on the sky island, and looked as if it was going to eat them alive. Ralsei looked at Kris.

"They're going to ask if we can keep it, aren't they?" Ralsei thought to himself.

Kris reached out, and placed their right hand onto its beak.

"Shhh...we aren't going to hurt you..." Kris said in a kind and soft voice. "Everything will be okay."

The griffin blinked, teared up, and let out a screech that sounded like a cry. It stood up on its hind legs, and picked Kris up, holding them close.

"WOAH- OKAY MY BONES ARE BEING CRUSHED-" Kris strained themself in saying.

The griffin set them back down and nuzzled them. It tossed them and Ralsei onto its back. Kris noticed the sigil on the back of its neck, and set their hand on it. There was a flash of light, and Kris saw something. Lux and the griffin. Lux cuddling the griffin like a cat, flashing to Lux helping the griffin with any wounds it may have gotten, saying "Everything will be okay." Kris snapped back into reality.

"This was Lux's griffin..." Kris said after that whole thing. They gave it head pats.

"Huh? Okay...I guess we're keeping it." Ralsei said.

"It could be a guardian of the castle town!" Kris said with excitement. "It's so soft!"

The griffin took to the skies. It didn't have any kind of saddle, so Kris scooped Ralsei up and just held onto the griffin.

After a little bit, the two were brought back to the castle town.

It stayed too.

"Let's give it a name!" Kris said, holding Ralsei's hands. "How about Nico?"

"Nico....that seems good." Ralsei said. He gave Kris a little peck on the cheek.

"Let's just hope none of the hashira find out before we want to tell them." Kris said.

To be continued...

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