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"You know my name?" I slowly backed away from the stranger as he gradually took steps towards me. He was silent as he continued to approach me.

In panic, I drew my sword in front, in an attempt to stop him from moving any closer but, instead of feeling threatened, he just carefully moved my sword away.

I backed even further until I was completely cornered. I stared at him in utter horror.

He then drew his hand. I wanted to do something but my body froze so, I just watched whatever he was about to do next. I closed my eyes shut, fearful of what was about to happen. I've thought of the worst things he could do but what he actually did, surprised me.

He carefully caressed my cheek and then my hair, feeling its texture. My eyes opened wide and I watched him stare at me intently.

"You look just like him." He muttered under his breath. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Him? Who's him?" I asked. He then pulled away his hand and turned his back on me.

"You'll know soon enough." He mumbled before disappearing into the darkness.

I was stunned for a moment but I decided to follow him.

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. "Hey! I'm asking you a question!" I yelled out. "Dainsleif-" before I could even finish my sentence, I felt a hand on over my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist.

My eyes grew wide and I met gazes with Dain. Despite the darkness of the night, his blue eyes seem to glow in the dark.

He hushed me. "There are abyss mages nearby." His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my face despite his hand almost covering half of my face. "Stay quiet if you don't want to get in trouble."

I grumbled before forcefully pulling his hand away from my mouth. He let out a light gasp, looking at me.

"Let me go." I warned him.

He then removed his hold around my waist and stepped away from me.

"You're as assertive as him." He let out a soft chuckle.

"Who are you referring to?" I hissed. It's taking all of me to not beat this man into a pulp.

"You'll know soon enough." He crouched down behind the boulder and observed the abyss mages by the entrance of the Abyss Order's hideout. I also did the same but we were slightly distanced from one another.

In between, I would gaze at him to see whatever he was doing but he was still. He was just observing the abyss mages.

I wanted to do something but he doesn't pose much of a threat now. What bothers me more is the person who he was referring to as someone I look alike with.

Is he referring to Aether?

If he was, then how did he came to know him?

Judging by the way he looks, Dainsleif doesn't seem to come from around here. His skin color was a bit pale than the usual skin color here and his attire was oddly different.

"Since you are here to observe, why don't we explore the area together?" I heard him speak.

I was hesitant to answer for a moment.

"What makes you think I want to explore with you?" I spat harshly.

"Hmm. You really are the same as him." He softly chuckled before standing up from his crouched position. "Very well. Then I shall explore the area myself." Without hesitation, he jumped off the cliff and landed on the ground with ease.

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