Invitation (✓)

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Venti and I were both laying comfortably on the bed, naked. My head is nestled on his chest while my hand rests on his abdomen, feeling the rise and fall of his abdomen as he inhaled and exhaled.

The night was getting deeper each moment that passes by. I never want to leave the bed at this point. I just want to be so close to Venti.

"Lumine," Venti called out. My head shot up and I looked at him.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Do you really want to go to Inazuma?" He wondered. Concern immediately grew on his face.

After I heard regarding the aims of the Vision Hunt Decree, it gave me that small twist in my stomach. I thought an Archon should nourish the nation they govern but the Raiden Shogun seemed different. She seems to be the reason for the sufferings of Inazuma. But, as I think of it carefully, it's too soon to judge the situation of the people there.

As long as I haven't set foot on their lands, their situation shouldn't be judged.

"This is what I need to do." I said with a straight face. "I wouldn't be able to find Aether if I don't." I rose up from my lying position and sat up. Venti frowned and sat up as well. I then rested my face on my palms before running my fingers through my hair.

Venti sighed. "I'm just concerned about your well-being. What if Ei doesn't welcome you?"

I looked at him and I did see his point. Upon meeting Venti and Rex Lapis, I thought all Archons would be like them. You know, the kind who cares for their people and the kind who is self-less and will willingly lay their lives for their nation. Hearing the story regarding Raiden Ei made me think twice about how Archons truly act towards their people. It's not that, I question Venti or Rex Lapis. It's about questioning the other Archons whom I haven't met.

Will they be as ruthless and violent as Raide Ei? Or will they be as liberating and carefree as Barbatos? Or as protective and reserved as Rex Lapis?

I have so many thoughts running through my head but the only thing I kept my focus on was, Aether.

Finding Aether is the main goal here.

I'd swim in the oceans for him. I'd climb mountains for him. I'd even travel through worlds for him. I'd do everything to get to him.

Even if I hurt myself in the process.

I love him that much. Aside from Venti, he is the reason why I am breathing and living, the only reason I am on this quest and I will do everything just to get to him.

"If she doesn't, then we'll find a way." I looked at Venti and smiled. He just gave me a small smile before holding my hand.

"I'll be with you, always." He held my cheek, leaned in, and kissed me passionately. He pulled away after a few moments. "Just know that I'll always protect you no matter what happens."

Then, there was a brief silence.

"Though, I do hope things don't turn sour."

Venti and I exchanged looks.

I know Venti promised that we'd be together every step of the way but, this is my journey, my quest. I know he wanted to be a part of it but, I love him so much that I couldn't risk getting himself hurt because of me.

"It won't." He gently squeezed my hand. "Maybe, if I talk to Ei, we can get through to her. Although, I haven't really talked to her."

I tilted my head. "Why have you not?"

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