Glimpse (✓)

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My journey began in Teyvat, specifically, in the city Mondstadt. I met Paimon a few months back and she has been nothing but the best companion. I was more than happy to have met her. She taught me everything I needed to know, even the language I needed to speak.

"This is the one of the Statues of the Seven." Paimon beamed cheerfully. I smiled at her before looking up at the massive statue. Just by its base, was an emblem etched carefully onto the stone statue. At the top sat a figure whose head was cloaked, had wings, and had its hand drawn out, holding a delicate orb on his palms.

"That's Barbatos. He is the God of Freedom, the Anemo Archon and the one who rules over Mondstadt." She grinned.

"Barbatos, huh?" I mumbled, drawing my arm in front. My palm then touched the cold, gold plating around the emblem and all of a sudden, the statue grew bright and I felt a strong surge of energy through my body. The sensation was both freeing and warm.

"Wow, you seemed to have resonated with the Statue!" Paimon clapped. "I guess, you have Anemo ability now."

I looked at her with great interest before looking down at my palm, feeling the little surges of energy on my fingertips. I used to have powers beyond anyone could ever imagine but having this Anemo ability felt different than what I had before. It was much more, liberating.


My head jerked up, looking to the left.

"What's wrong?" Paimon immediately noticed a change in my behavior.

"I-" I paused, trying to sense if someone was nearby. "It was nothing." I looked back at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Alrighty then. Why don't we set our paths towards Mondstadt and check the place out?" She giggled, excited. "Paimon bets they have good food." She laughed making me chuckle too.

Despite the change in atmosphere, I still couldn't shake the thought in my head. I kept on wondering;

Who was that...


"Oh wow, look at the place!" Paimon squealed. Once I finally climbed up the small hill, I patted my dress clean before looking up to see the medieval village of Mondstadt. It was small, but it was more than I expected it to be. It was lined with walls that hovered the heights of a human. Within its vicinity were wonderful windmills that danced gracefully along the gentle winds.

"It's beautiful." I muttered under my breath. Paimon giggled at my statement and she completely turned into a huge ball of energy. I then closed my eyes and took in a deep breath of fresh air.

In a blink of an eye, the solemnity of the moment turned into a small fright when a huge dragon hovered over us. Paimon squealed in horror and hid behind me. I slightly took a step back, watching the massive creature fly over the forest.

"Was that a dragon?" Paimon peeked over my shoulder.

"I think so." I was still defensive. "I didn't know dragons still exist." Once the dragon was out of sight, I loosend my stance. "Why don't we check it out?"

"Check it out!?" Paimon yelped. "Are you crazy? That dragon can eat us!" She hid her face behind her palms.

"We're not going to get close to it. Let's just check." I tried to reassure her. And after a few minutes of convincing, she finally agreed.

We continued our walk for several minutes, trying to recall the direction to where the dragon fled to. In a while, Paimon and I heard low growls just by the edge of the forest. I tugged her sleeve, taking her attention. I looked at her intently and she quickly knew what I was trying to say.

She then floated closer to me and just a few meters away, I caught a glimpse of a green colored wing.

"There it is." I whispered. Paimon looked at me and nodded. We then tiptoed our way towards one of the trees which were just several feet away from the dragon.

Both Paimon and I watched it intently. The dragon had four wings. The scales were a beautiful mixture of blue and green and it slowly gradients to a dark blue as it reaches the tips of its wings. It has horns and piercing blue eyes. Carefully watching, I saw a glimpse of a man, standing by the dragon. He seems to be, petting it.

"Who's that?" I mumbled, looking at Paimon.

"I don't know but he seems to be talking to it."

I returned my gaze to the man and by the looks of it, the dragon seemed to be in peace with him.

"That guy must have lost his mind. Why is he talking to a dragon?" Paimon rested her hands on her waist. I just shrugged my shoulders.

All of a sudden, another surge of energy went through me. I was taken aback by the sudden current. I looked back at the dragon and both the man and the creature were alarmed. It then let out a loud, deafening roar. Paimon and I covered our ears but the roar just grew louder and louder.

It might have been another resonance.

Who's there!?

The unknown man yelled out after the dragon blasted through the air. Paimon and I quickly concealed ourselves within the bushes. I peered through one of the gaps of the bushes and caught a glimpse of the man, who was dressed as a bard, disappeared to thin air. I gasped.

"Are they gone?" Paimon was shaking

"Yeah." I said, slowly rising up from a crouched position. I then patted myself clean before noticing a red tear drop crystal floating right above the position where the dragon was.

I tugged Paimon's sleeve and she immediately looked at me. "Look over there."

She squinted her eyes and gasp. "We should take a closer look."

I nodded at her and we began to cautiously approach the red crystal tear. Once we were near it, I took it into my palms. It was a bright crimson red. It didn't weigh heavy yet you can feel the dense emotions that lingered within the crystal. It was overwhelming.

"What do you think this is?" I looked up to see Paimon staring at the crystal intently.

"I have no idea but I have a feeling that we should keep it." She rubbed her chin. I was hesitant to keep it at first, but then, I managed to look into other possibilities, so I agreed to keep it. I then grabbed my satchel and shoved it in, making sure it'll be safe during our travels.

"Well, that was an interesting encounter." Paimon let out a heavy breath as if she had been holding her breath this entire time. "We should keep going. It's almost nighttime. We don't want to get lost in the forest, right?"

"Right. Let's move while there's a little light left."

Hey Traveler!

Paimon and I looked over our shoulders and saw a lady, about the same height as me, has black hair and ribbon tied to it to make it look like she has bunny ears.

She then approached us with a smile.

"I'm Amber! Nice to meet you!"

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