Woe (M)(✓)

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As the night settled, Lumine and I found ourselves by the edge of a cliff that overlooks Liyue. It was a wonderful view. One can see the lights from the harbor as well as the ships docking in and out of the pier.

As I try to look for a good spot to sit on, Lumine stood by the edge, her arms covering her body. I then siezed the opportunity to make a move on her. I gladly removed my cape and approached her.

"Do you feel cold?" I mumbled, my voice soft. I then covered her with my cape and she instinctively held it tight. She then gave me a soft smile.

"Why don't we sit over there?" I ushered Lumine to sit down first and once she was settled, I sat down beside her. She then scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

The wind was gentle and it was cold too but not too cold. It actually felt refreshing. For once, Lumine and I were far away from the lights and noise of the buzzling communities. Being out here in the open just gave both of us peace.

This moment made me remember the first time I brought her to the forest to talk. Things were really awkward back then but I never really knew where I got the courage to actually flirt with her. I guess it was because she was easy to talk to.

I took her hand and entertwined my fingers with hers. She then looked at me and smiled. I saw her eyes glow under the moonlight. It twinkled like stars.

"Tell me what you're feeling." I said, kissing the back of Lumine's hand. "Tell me how you've been."

"I've been fine, I guess." Lumine let out a heavy breath.

"I know you're not fine." I said as I looked into the bright lights of Liyue Harbor.

We were both silent for a moment until Lumine decided to speak.

"About Childe," She started. "When I came back from my search for Cloud Retainer, I immediately returned to Liyue. I was searching for good food for you when Childe saw me by the stall."

I kept quiet.

"I pleaded him to leave me be but he still followed me when I was on my way back to the Inn. I warned him about following me and all of a sudden, he pulled me back and kissed me. I wasn't able to move away because he was holding the back of my head and my waist." She looked down. "And that's when you saw me."

Upon hearing the story, my blood instantly boiled. How can someone harass her like that? I then felt a pit in my stomach. I knew being separated from her will put her into trouble and I was right and a part of me blamed myself for not being there to protect her. What's worse is I even left her behind.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, lifting her chin up. I saw her face and she was teary-eyed. My heart broke into million of pieces. I then wiped away her tears with my thumb. "I should have listened to you." I whispered.

"It doesn't matter now." She tried to smile. "I'm just happy you are here with me."

I held her cheek.

For a moment, we were just staring into each other's eyes. I always enjoy looking into her caramel brown eyes. When she's happy, you can clearly see it in her eyes and it's no different when she's sad or angry.

"What about you?" She asked.


"Yes. How have you been?"

"Well," My hand instinctively clutched unto my chest. "I still feel different regarding the loss of my Gnosis." I let out a heavy breath. "A lot has changed especially when it comes to my abilities. I am limited." I gazed back at the harbor.

Lumine (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now