Dull (✓)

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The sunlight woke me up from my deep slumber. The doors to the balcony were wide open. I sat myself up, seeing the whole room was a huge mess.

What happened last night?

My mind was still foggy and I had a splitting headache.

"Paimon?" I called out but unfortunately, nobody answered.

"Paimon." I called out again only to be answered by silence. Then it hit me. I left Paimon with Amber at Good Hunter.

I groaned as I felt the splitting headache killing me. I've been drinking a lot last night. That dandelion wine completely blurred my senses since I can't recall any events after I left Angel's Share. I can't even recall me heading back to the inn. All I could vaguely remember was staring at Venti's statue and hearing Venti calling out my name.

Oh, Lumine...

A flashback came through my head.

Do you like that Lord Barbatos?

I covered my mouth with both my hands as the blurry memories of last night began to clear out.

I made love with Venti.

My eyes grew wide as realization hit me like a brick I hurriedly jumped off the bed only to see myself naked at the mirror. I gasped and grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around me.

I began to look around only to see that Venti's cape was no longer where I left it. My eyes grew wider in panic.

Something happened last night..oh my god.

I can't believe it. I was in complete disbelief. Venti and I couldn't have done it right? Ugh.

I grabbed my clothes scattered on the ground as well as the pillows.

I was completely embarrassed now that last night's events were already clear. I can now vividly remember the way Venti kissed me roughly, the way he moaned out my name as I pleased him. This was not what I wanted to happen. I was only expecting a small, innocent kiss, not a night of bliss.

I just wanted to make it up to him.

Once I cleaned and organized the bed, I ran to the comfort room, freshened up and went directly to the Head Quarters to meet with Jean.

I don't know how I'm going to look at Venti today knowing how we treated each other last night.

I finally reached Jean's office and everybody was waiting for me except for Kaeya who was nowhere to be found.

Paimon was floating beside Amber. When she noticed me, she quickly floated towards me and gave me a big hug. She looked very lively today.

Then my eyes fell on Venti. He seemed a bit off, I can tell. He was stealing glances from me but never really held a stare. The awkwardness between us was really strong. I'm hoping nobody would notice.

"Kaeya and I were able to get leads regarding the Abyss Mage that was pestering Dvalin." Jean began. "It's by the Dawn Winery."

"Isn't that Master Diluc's winery." Amber beamed.

"Yes, it definitely is. Thanks to Kaeya's connection, we are able to track him down although Diluc is still looking for the exact location."

"Well, we should head to the Winery and find out more about their intel." I suggested.

"Exactly. I'll have the knights prepare the horses. In the meantime, prepare yourselves. Take what you need. The cavalry will leave once Kaeya is here."

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