Bond (✓)

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Zhong Li

I decided to meet Venti and Lumine by Xinyue Kiosk. It was one of the best restaurants in Liyue and I wanted to treat the two lovers as a reward for their help regarding the Rite of Parting.

Seeing them deeply in love with each other makes my heart smile for some reason. I also cannot avoid the fact that Lumine greatly reminded me of the only woman I ever loved, Guizhong. From her blond hair, down to the way she dresses, she somehow embodies Guizhong which I found really odd for some reasons.

I can also recall when I first felt Lumine's presence. The resonance felt so familiar. I remembered hurriedly running to one of my statues in hopes that I'd see Guizhong but I was only making a clown of myself. Guizhong had passed centuries ago and seeing Lumine simply made me relive the moments I had with my lover.

I let out a heavy sigh as I continued to make my way to the restaurant. Once the restaurant was in eye view, I immediately noticed Venti and Lumine.

I watched them for a moment and upon seeing them, I could see myself and Guizhong.

I could imagine Guizhong, picking fresh flowers from the field. And I would stare at her while her hair dances gently with the wind. When she notices me, she would give me a bright smile and a giggle. She would then approach and tuck the flower she plucked, on my ear.

Looking at Venti and Lumine reminded me of the times Guizhong and I would go on walks. We would sit on benches or grass patches, with her head laid on my shoulder as we talk about all things we could come up with.

I miss her.

So much...

My heart broke at the idea and I can't help feel my eyes well with tears.

I watched how Venti would caress Lumine's cheek and Lumine would giggle making her lover giggle too. They looked so sweet together.

I immediately wiped my tears away before finally taking enough courage to approach them.

"Greetings." I said. Venti looked up first and Lumine did the same. They both smiled at me.

"Hi, Zhong Li." Lumine waved her hand at me. I looked at her and her facial expression changed.

She frowned at me. "Are you okay?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Why? What's the matter?" I asked.

"It seems like you are crying." She said, touching her cheek. Venti looked at her before looking at me. He then squinted his eyes in an attempt to look closer.

I touched my cheek only to realize that a stray tear already left my eye. I immediately wiped it away with my hand and made sure I kept my composure.

"What's the matter, Rex?" Venti seemed to have noticed already. I looked at him and he looked concerned.

"Nothing. Every is fine." I tried giving him a reassuring smile but Barbatos knew for as long as I could remember so, he knew very well that I wasn't fine.

He raised a brow at me but decided not to push any further.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lumine asked.

I nodded. "Of course. Why would I not be?" I smiled. She smiled back at me before bringing her attention back to Venti.

"Come." I ordered. Both of them looked at me. "I know the two of you are hungry."

"Oh yes." Venti grabbed Lumine by her waist and pulled her closer to him making her giggle. "We definitely are." He rubbed the tip of his nose on Lumine's making her laugh.

Lumine (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now