Fiery (✓)(M)

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Lumine and I sat on one of the couches, in a private room, within the Northland bank. I held Lumine's hand tightly as I watched Childe ordered his Fatui men whatever it was he was ordering them to do.

"It's okay, Venti." Lumine mumbled as she started to rub my hand. I looked at her and she gave me a reassuring smile.

I then looked back at Childe. When he turned around, I met gazes with him. He shot me a smirk afterwards.

It's taking everything of me to not beat this man to a pulp.

He then sat down across us, crossing his legs over the other. I stared at him intently and noticed how he was staring at Lumine.

"So, what do we do now?" I hissed, glaring at Childe.

He chuckled. "Now, now, there's no need for an attitude." He leaned back on the couch and locked his hands behind his head.

Lumine and I stayed quiet.

"Anyway," he breathed out. "Regarding the incident back in the Yujing Terrace, I can see you're quite desperate into proving yourselves innocent."

"Yes, we are." Lumine replied. I looked at her and she gave me a reassuring smile. "What can we do?" She glanced back at Childe.

"Well, have you heard of the Adepti?"

"Yes." I replied this time.

"Hmmm, quite educated, are we?" Childe chuckled. I just stared at him. "Well, allow me to explain still to enlighten your partner." He smirked at me.

"See, the Adepti are enlightened beings, may it be a god or a beast. They're bound by one contract under one entity, the prime Adepti himself, Rex Lapis." He explained. "These adepti are meant to protect people and if you pray to them, they can bless you with the things that you need, luck, money, love," He paused, looking at Lumine again. "And in your case, justice."

"Where can we find them?" Lumine asked.

"They're quite difficult to locate but I believe one of them resides at Jueyun Karst."

"Well, we have to go then." Lumine stood up.

"Wait, wait, wait." Childe sat up straight and stared at the two of us. "You can't simply walk into Adepti territory." He chuckled. "Even when the people ask blessings from them, they use a certain object to have the Adepti heed their call."

I raised a brow at him.

I was quite familiar of what he was saying. Being on the side of Morax gave me enough knowledge regarding the Adepti. I am shocked he didn't lie anything about it and that added more to my suspicions.

"Here." He drew out his hand. Lumine did the same. Childe then gave her some sort of sigil. "That's the sigil of permission. Show this to the Adepti and they'll answer you." He smiled and leaned back on his chair once more.

I held Lumine's hand as she stood and she glanced at me and smiled.

"Good luck in your journey. I wouldn't worry much. The Adepti are naturally protective but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't hurt anybody without a concrete reason."

Lumine nodded at Childe. I stood up and ushered Lumine to walk first. I was about to follow her when Childe spoke.

"You seemed to be not from here."

Despite my back turned against him, I can feel the smirk growing on his lips.

"Where are you from?" I can feel his gaze on my skin. I then looked to my right and held gazes with him.

Lumine (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now