History (✓)

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Morax decided to ask Venti to gather flowers for the Rite of Parting, something he knew Venti would enjoy while he tasked me to tag along with him to look for Noctilucous Jade which would also be used as an offering during the Rite.

I was a bit distant from Morax. I felt extremely awkward with him not because of how he saw me drunk, but for the fact that he is the Geo Archon and I don't know how I'd act with him.

You might say, how is it different compared to the Anemo Archon? Well, you see, it's completely different compared to when I first met Venti. Venti had a completely different aura. compared to Morax.

There is just something about Morax's aura that makes me feel completely deluged. It's not a bad thing though. I guess, that's just how he is.

During our walk, both Rex and I were silent. It's not the typical silence I got used with Venti. It was a bit, gauche and yes, I'd admit. It's a bit boring.

Then the silence was broken when the Geo Archon decided to speak. "Tell me," He said, startling me a bit. His voice was very deep.

I looked up at him and he was already looking at me.

"How did you and the Anemo Archon get acquainted?" He asked. "It's quite unusual for Barbatos to be this close to anybody." He said before looking ahead.

I let out a small gasp at his last statement.

"What do you mean, 'unusual'?" I questioned.

"Barbatos does easily get the hearts of people. I know you've seen him talk to people with ease." He started to explain. I nodded at him.

"But, he never really kept anybody close especially, right after the death of his closest friend, Vati." He continued.

"I've heard of the story." I frowned as I recalled the pain in Venti's eyes as he tells the story.

"He just simply goes along with anybody but none of them really got close into his heart."

I looked at Rex and he was still looking ahead.

I looked ahead as well.

"So, how did the two of you got acquainted?" He repeated his question.

I was silent for a moment until I decided to speak.

"Everything just came unexpected." I replied, a smile slowly forming on my lips.


"Yes. When I first saw him, I instantly felt connected with him somehow." I placed my hand on my chest.

"I see." Rex nodded. "What is it that you liked most about him?"

I smiled. "He is loving and joyful."

"Ah, of course. Barbatos is indeed cheerful and positive." Rex had a brief pause. "But despite his joyful nature, underneath lays darkness and despair he never shared with anyone."

I believed what Morax said. Venti was indeed really cheerful. He is the kind of person who'll laugh at just about anything he finds funny but despite that, his eyes would definitely tell you everything.

The first time I ever saw his eyes, I could see hints of sadness, although he would just laugh it away as if it never mattered to Venti but it did. It mattered to him a lot.

Especially about his story regarding Vati.

Even during our quest in saving Dvalin. He was surely devastated with the idea that the Abyss tricked his old friend into thinking that he was betrayed by Venti. I would never know how much it gave Venti pain but all I know is he was genuinely distressed by it.

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