Future (M)(✓)

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I left the Wangshu Inn early in the morning. It still gives me freight that I have to leave Lumine behind but I know she's strong. She can do this on her own. Before I left, I left a bouquet of flowers on the nightstand with a handwritten letter. I also gave her a peck on the lips before I completely left the inn.

Now, I've been travelling for almost two days in search of Mountain Shaper and I'm pretty sure I'm not even half way.

From my current knowledge, I recall that Mountain Shaper was residing at Mt. Hulao. Although, I am not entirely certain but I have to atleast start somewhere.

The entire journey was plain boring. I would play my lyre in between, sing songs atop the trees but things are just so different without Lumine.

She was quite talkative and I loved it about her. She knows how to brighten up the mood and she always looks at the good things in life. Having her lost her brother was another thing, but she has always kept herself positive.

I guess, that's one of the reasons I fell in love with her. Despite the past experiences I had and being the only reminder of my own despair, she lit up my world and now, she was my sunshine. Not having her by my side was something I'm not used to. We were like two magnets ever since we met in Mondstadt but when we reached Liyue where things started to get a little different.

The events that happened seemed to tear Lumine and I apart and now, I'm hundreds of kilometers away from her. I don't know if this was bound to happen but this is one of my greatest fears.

One of those events include Childe. I don't know what his deal with but I pray that he leaves Lumine alone. I expected less from a Fatui Harbinger anyway, but not in this way. I'd rather have Childe betray Lumine in this expidition rather than him stealing her from me.

Maybe, I'm being hysterical. I am too attached to her already.

It's not that, I don't believe in her abilities. I know she is more than capable of defending herself but I deeply care for her well-being.

I've always been there whenever she gets herself in trouble. I just hope she doesn't get into trouble.

The night finally set in and I decided to set up camp near the lake.

It made me remember that night Lumine and I made love under the moonlight by the lake. It was one of the best experiences I had. She knew how to soothe my aching heart.

I then clutched my hand on my chest.

I still felt different without my Gnosis. A huge chunk of power was taken away from me but that never really changed the way I looked at Lumine. I just felt weak and unable to protect her, but she did reassure me that I am capable. Ehe.

I blushed, thinking about that night.

I can remember how her skin felt on my skin and the sound of her moans near my ear.

I loved everything about her, every inch of her body.

I wish I could touch her right now.

My hands then started to snake down my body. When I reached my crotch, I started rubbing my now throbbing shaft.

I was hesitant for a moment but I was aching for Lumine. I miss her so much already.

I slowly unbutton my pants before pulling out my hard member. I started stroking it making me let out soft moans.

My breaths were starting to get heavy as I continued to imagine Lumine was the one stroking me.

I can clearly imagine her licking the tip of my cock all the way down to my balls and she would do it with love and lust in her eyes.

Lumine (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now