Vulnerable (✓)(M)

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All of us arrived safely at the Dawn Winery. We were all beat, since while Lumine and I took down Fatui members inside the cave, Jean and Master Diluc were also busy taking down reinforcements as well. We all had our fair share of opponents.

I was just glad that I finally got my hands on the Lyre. I'm now a step closer to saving Dvalin.

We went to our respective rooms right away. Lumine jumped on the bed and did a big stretch before curling up into a ball.

Once I locked the door, I joined her, pulling her close to me after.

She then turned around to look at me, holding my face after.

"How are you feeling?" She mumbled. I can feel her breath on my face. We were that close to each other.

"Better, now that I have the Lyre with me" She smiled and gave me a soft kiss after.

"Let's take care of those cuts first." She was about to get off the bed but I pulled her back by her waist, making her giggle.

I then wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. I didn't want her to leave me alone.

"Venti." She murmured, turning around to face me again. Once she was facing me, I looked deep into her eyes. I then caressed her cheek and tucked the stray hair behind her ear. "What's the matter?" Her eyes were immediately filled with concern and worry.

That's all I ever saw in her eyes, love, sympathy, and concern. She would always have those in her eyes every time she looked at me. And every time she touches me, it is always filled with love, even the way she sweetly calls out my name.

"Don't go." I scooted closer to her. She then removed my beret hat and started to comb through my hair with her fingers. It immediately gave me delight, calming my frantic nerves.

"But we have to attend to your cuts." She began to 'un-braid" my hair.

I looked up at her and she looked back at me.

"Lumine." I held her cheek and kissed her deeply.

How I missed the sensation of making out of her. Her lips were as soft as ever, so delicate and filled with care. I slid my tongue into her mouth and she happily accepted it. Our tongues wrestled for a moment and as we were getting lost in making out, I gradually moved on top of her, gently pushing her onto the bed. I then held down both her hands on the side of her head, kissing her even more deeply.

Despite the pain of the battle earlier, I wanted to melt into her. I just wanted to be so close to her.

I broke off the kiss and we were breathless.

"Venti." She turned her head and looked away, seeing her cheeks blush. I let out a soft chuckle before turning her face to look at me again.

"Getting shy?" I teased, playfully pecking her lips over and over again. She giggled as I did so and I did the same.

Then the moment between us just, froze. We were lost in each other's eyes and the world around us just melted away.

"I love you." I finally got the courage to confidently say it to her. These words came completely from the bottom of my heart. I truly love her. I never thought I would experience this kind of love whilst being an Archon. It was one of the most fulfilling emotions I have ever felt in my entire existence.

Her eyes slightly grew wide and her cheeks got redder. Her lips then curved into a smile. "I love you too, Venti."

With that, I passionately kissed her. My hands began to move down her body, feeling every inch of it. I felt the curves, the smoothness of her skin, and the little marks and scars she have gathered during her journey as an Outlander.

Lumine (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now