Parting (✓)

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Lumine and I decided to wake up early to catch the first ray of sunlight before waiting at the Bubu Pharmacy where Morax asked us to meet with him.

As we wait for the sun to come up, we decided to sit atop a roof of one of the highest rooftops in Liyue, giving us a clear view of underneath.

Liyue seemed so quiet during the early hours of the day. The lights were dim and the streets were completely devoid of all people.

I then seized the opportunity of silence to play my lyre. I took it out from underneath my cape and started to flick the strings.

The lyre let out soothing melodies and notes, in which it reverberated all throughout Liyue, and as I played the lyre, the wind would whirr through the empty streets and the trees and other plants would sway and dance with its tranquil tunes.

I looked at Lumine as I played the instrument. I watched how she was carefully listening to the melody, humming in between.

My heart smiled, seeing her enjoy the tunes I make. It was truly wholesome.

Once I was finished with the piece, the winds gradually died down and we are now engulfed with silence. The first ray of sunlight then appeared in the east.

I looked over to the sea and witnessed the sun peeking through the horizon. It's not long enough until the sun is completely risen.

As the sun gradually reveals its full glory, it starts to paint the seas and the forest a dashing color of gold. The waters would glimmer and as the rays began to dance through the forest, the birds and other animals would finally awake from their slumber, giving life once more to the still forests.

Lumine then rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on top of hers, before I entertwined my fingers with hers.

"Are you excited for the Rite of Parting?" She asked.

I gave it a short thought. "Yes. I am. This is what Rex wants and as his closest friend, I shall support him." I replied as I rubbed Lumine's hand with my thumb.

"I can't believe our journey in Liyue is about to end." She sighed.

"We can always go back." I lifted her chin up, making her look at me. "We can stay here if you want." I gently pecked her lips.

She gave me a small smile. "I wish I could but-" She looked away.

I smiled. "I know." I pecked her lips again. "I do understand. But it is best to stay here a little longer before we go to Inazuma."


"You said you wanted to meet the Seven, right?"

She nodded.

"Well, Inazuma is where Raiden Ei reside." I explained.

Raiden Ei.

Her sister was one of the original Seven but she perished during the war, 500 years ago. Her rule over Inazuma was one of the excellent ones until Ei rose to power and now, I've heard rumors about her Vision Hunt Decree.

Ei became obsessed with the idea of eternal life and she'd go through extreme lengths to achieve it, even when it means toppling down anyone who is beneath her.

Inazuma is as powerful as Liyue but with Ei's obssession and being their leader, it was a direct blow to their own nation.

"Raiden Ei." Lumine lifted her head from my shoulder. "I'll meet her."

My eyes widened. "Wait,"

"What's the matter?" She looked at me, confused.

"See, Ei is nothing like Morax and I." I tightly held both her hands.

Lumine (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang