I'll take care of you | {ShinoMitsu}

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Theme: Fluff

Note: Ty for waiting<3

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Note: Ty for waiting<3

Honestly, I'm not sure if I have a different oneshot with the same title but it's getting hard to keep track of

Tags: @Mitsuriswife4


Shinobu was sick. She'd stayed a moment too long in the rain the night before, having been trudging through the muddy forest on patrol, so now she was sick. She had a sort of fever and her temperature was rising by the second but she refused to sleep—as Aoi had begged her to—because she found herself angry at the fact that she wasn't getting stronger.

So, she was training again, beads of perspiration dotting her forehead. She brought her katana over her head again, moving her arms down quickly in a slashing motion. She'd been doing this over and over and had done this about one thousand, seven hundred and fifty two times until her arms felt like they were made of lead and she sighed, her arms dropping to her side, her katana held loosely in her hand.

She put it away, slipping it back into it's cover, then trained her eyes on the target she'd placed on the far end of the room, darting forward and around it, trying to figure out how she might run faster but still stay coordinated with her target. 

Suddenly, she jolted forward, almost falling forwards to the ground. She would've just flopped down if it wasn't for two steady arms that held her up, helping her sit down slowly.

"M...Mitsuri?" she breathed, looking up at the Hashira with plaited hair.

"Shinobu-San! You shouldn't do that! Aoi-San told me you were sick? If you train whilst having a fever, you'll grow more sick," Mitsuri fretted, frowning. She knelt down in front of Shinobu, tenderly moving the smaller Hashira's bangs from her eyes. "You should rest. Shouldn't you know that, more so than anyone?"

Shinobu sighed, her whole body slumping down in the process. "Well, as a Hashira, I should enforce myself to work harder. I have to be able to cut of a demon's neck, only poison won't work on the Uppermoons, especially," she said, her gaze flicking down.

Mitsuri shook her head—or at least that's what she appeared to be doing as her braids bobbed from side to side in the motion. "No, we have to make sure our state is well in case of emergency, too! If you're sick, you have to rest so you can be in better condition," she said, hugging Shinobu.

"But I-"

"No!! You are going to sleep now, okay?" Mitsuri said, a stern tone in her voice.

Shinobu looked up, her eyes meeting the brilliant green ones of Mitsuri. "Fine..."

Mitsuri smiled. "Thank you!"

And that was how Shinobu found herself changed into more comfortable clothes, her hair still damp from the shower, in the arms of Mitsuri who was whispering to her that she was still amazing whether or not she could kill a demon from decapitation. 

"I still think I should be training," Shinobu said into the Love Hashira's embrace.

"But I know that you shouldn't be!" Mitsuri shot back, grinning triumphantly.

Shinobu sighed again. "Mmhm... So, what was the shower for, again?" she asked.

"It'd do you well. Aoi-San said you also must drink enough water right now to help cool your temperature. And you should eat something," Mitsuri said. 


"How do you feel, Shinobu-San?" Mitsuri asked. "I'd think you knew all of this since you treat a lot of people."

"Mostly with their wounds," Shinobu said dismissively. "Aoi usually does the times when they're sick because she doesn't want me catching anything given that, in terms of fighting, I'm more... I wouldn't say important... More so, because I'm a Hashira... You know?"

Mitsuri nodded understandingly. "We all have important roles but us, as Hashira, are to protect everyone else and we must always be there for others?" she suggested.

"Yeah, that."

She smiled. "Mhm. Now, you should sleep Shinobu-San. I have a mission later so I can't stay long."

"Mm... Alright," Shinobu murmured, closing her eyes and resting her head on Mitsuri's chest. 

"Goodnight!" Mitsuri said. 


"Love you!!"

"Love you too," Shinobu whispered, drifting off to sleep.


« Word count: 749 »

....sorry for it being short

do y'all ever just

forget what a word is in your first language and only remember it in that one language you barely know- 

also I haven't gotten sick in like 4 years (literally, not exaggerating-) sooo, forgot how it's like TmT
and idk what to do so everything I said abt her fever is just me making stuff up

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