Jealous | {SabiGiyuu}

488 10 18

Theme: Fluff

Note: Modern AU <33 (not the Kimetsu Academy AU as shows the picture, I only used that because it's silly)

Sabito huffed. "Giyuu, just let me-" he started, but Giyuu had already left. He quickly followed his lover. "Giyuu, c'mon, I only went to the store!!"

"Yeah, to the store, past midnight!" Giyuu retaliated, not meeting Sabito's eyes.

"I was hungry and last we bought food was last week, I couldn't find a snack to eat," Sabito repeated, for the tenth time.

"Then deal with the hunger!" 

"I- You know I can't sleep when I'm hungry," he said, sighing.

"And? Then wake me up so I can go with you," Giyuu said, rounding on Sabito and glaring at him.

"You'd be tired today, and I didn't want you to be tired becau-" Sabito started, but Giyuu interjected him. 

"Who cares if I'm tired? You'll probably just.. just go off to see someone and leave me at home anyways, not telling me you would be gone!!" 

"Look, I only didn't come home on time because I forgot my umbrella it started raining. I was waiting for it to stop so I wouldn't return home soaking wet but I fell asleep on the bench. I already told you, Giyuu," Sabito said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, but you don't have proof of that," Giyuu mumbled. 

"Why? Are you thinking I was out with someone else and I'm lying?" Sabito asked, raising an eyebrow. "I never thought you would think that of me."

"No! That's not it! I don't care. Just- Just leave me alone!" Giyuu said, turning, suddenly.

"I'm not going to leave!"


"Because I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a date today since the rain stopped and it's a nice day," Sabito said, knowing it would get his attention.

Giyuu paused, his foot half suspended in air as he'd been about to walk away. "Eh?"

"Yes, I was going to see if you wanted to go to that new beach that was recently re-opened for visitors, because I know you love the water," Sabito said grinning. "You can look through my phone if you still believe I'm cheating, though, if it makes you feel better."

Giyuu turned back around slowly. "Really?"

"Yes. Just, uh, just don't scroll all the way up in my photos-" Sabito said hesitently. 

"Why..?" Giyuu asked, suddenly suspicious of Sabito.

"God kill me," Sabito muttered under his breath. "Because those are the photos I have of you..-"

"Hmm, and why only at the top?" Giyuu asked, raising an eyebrow, trying to find any sort of explanation. 

"Because I took a lot of pictures, recently, of things around school for a project so it's full of those right now," Sabito said.

"I'm looking anyways. Give me your phone," Giyuu ordered, putting his hand out.

Sabito rolled his eyes and took his phone out of his pocket, placing it on Giyuu's outstretched hand then leaning against the wall, watching him.

"Sabito, what's the password?" Giyuu asked, taking the phone.

"Don't ask as if you don't know it," Sabito said, with a pointed look. "It's your birthday."

"Right. I thought you may have changed it since then," Giyuu said, clicking the phone on. He typed in the password then started scrolling through the phone, looking closely at certain things and ignoring some others. 

"Tell me when you're done," Sabito sighed, walking to the kitchen.

Giyuu nodded absently deciding to look through his pictures now. He started scrolling through them, noting that Sabito had, as he'd said, taken many pictures of the school. But then he found pictures of himself and Sabito, though there were a few of the most random things ever—an animal, a plant, even of a pen—which he ignored. He went to the top and scrolled down a little to see one picture that caught his eye. It was a picture of Giyuu from a distance with Sabito using one hand to hold up half a heart which he'd drawn on the other side of the heart over the picture. It was dated from two years before the two had started dating. Giyuu laughed and bounded over to Sabito who was putting away some of the groceries he'd bought earlier. 

"Sabitoo~" he grinned, showing the picture he'd found to him.

"Wha- Oh. Oh, no, I forgot about that," Sabito said, closing the fridge and snatching the phone back. "You didn't see that."

"You said you'd only fallen in love with me a few months before you confessed, but this picture states otherwise," Giyuu was saying, giggling like a child. "And that was before we'd even become friends!!"

Sabito ran his hand down his face, exhasperated. "Shut uppp," he groaned.

Giyuu just laughed. "Awhh, little baby Sabito had a crushhh," he said, as if talking to a baby. 

"Giyuu!" Sabito snapped, though he wasn't mad. His face was flushed and he was pushing Giyuu away.

"Sorry, sorry-" Giyuu said, covering his mouth to hide the smile still playing on his face. "Didn't know you were one to take pictures of strangers, though," he said.

Sabito made a face and Giyuu burst into laughter again. "Alright, you had your fun, now let me be," Sabito huffed.

"Finee, but I haven't forgotten about the beach!!" Giyuu said, straightening up.

"Right. Well, can you check the weather? I don't know if it's warm enough to swim, yet," Sabito said.


"Oh, and, if you bring that picture up one more time you can forget we were ever going to the beach," Sabito warned.

"Oh my god, fine!" Giyuu said, putting his hands on his hips. "I won't bring it up, but I won't forget it!"

"For fucks sake, just pretend you never saw it," Sabito grumbled.

"Noo, it was so cute," Giyuu said, smiling. 

"Yeah, because you were in it," Sabito retaliated, smirking as if he'd just won.

Giyuu poked his cheek in a playful manner then said, "Rather because of the reason and time when you took it."

Sabito grumbled but just dropped the subject, not wanting to be drowning in his embarrassment any longer. He hugged Giyuu and rested his head on his shoulder. Giyuu smiled and wrapped his arms around Sabito, pulling back a little to place a kiss on his forehead. "Love you, Sabito," he murmured softly.

"Mm, love you too," Sabito said, a quiet sigh lacing through his words. 

{Word count: 1032}

Gotta love SabiGiyuu fluff 😋 (watch me draw the picture that 'Sabito' took of Giyuu and the heart-)

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