Happy (very late) Pride Month! | {All(-most all) our gay ships♡} | Upm edition

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Theme: G a y n e s s, more chaotic shit, fluff, a sprinkle of angst (like- a quarter of a drop)

(Ignore this I'm just writing them down bc my forgetful ass will not remember which I used) DouKaza, KokuZan, Nakidaki, KaiGyu, Gyokko x Art, Hantengu x non-existent, Enmu simping.

Note: Daki and Kaigaku are both aged up little to be closer to the ages of Gyutaro and Nakime. (For the ships-). Kaigaku is a demon in this AU, right now, while Gyutaro and Daki still here. Just for the AU don't come after me- 

Daki barged into the Infinity Fortress, being chased by Gyutaro. Nakime jolted but then saw who it was and relaxed slightly. She watched the two siblings run around for a little before Gyutaro jumped up and pinned Daki to the ground. He took a paper from her hand and ripped it to shreds before glaring at his sister. Daki was too busy laughing to care. Gyutaro huffed. 

Nakime looked at the two, confused. "What's this all about?" She tilted her head to the side, glancing from one to the other through her hair.

Daki started to answer but Gyutaro covered her mouth. "Uhh, we're playing tag..!" he lied. He nodded unconvincingly. "Yeah. She wanted to play tag."

"What was the paper for then?" Nakime asked. 

"...just a paper saying how many times I've tagged her..?" he said, a little hesitant as he thought of what to say. 

"Okay.." Nakime turned to Daki. "And what was it?"

Daki ran out of reach from her brother but he quickly caught her again. "Ugh- It was Gyuta-" she started, then pushed Gyutaro arm-length away from her. "His crushh!!" she giggled, running from her brother's reach.

"DAKIII!!" he shouted. "I'M GOING TO SAY YOURS IF YOU DARE TO SAY MINEE!!" he said, jumping onto her and tickling her. 

"N-No!!" Daki breathed through laughs. "F-Fine I w-won't tell..!" 

Gyutaro stopped and let her go. "Good."

He glanced back at the Biwa demon who sat there watching them, confused. He smiled then turned back to his sister. "Anyways let's go."

Daki shook her head. "You go off, I want to talk to Nakime." She waved off her brother and he gave her a skeptical look but left the room. The Uppermoon plopped herself next to Nakime and said, "Can you help me with something?"

Nakime looked at her curiously. "With..?" she prompted.

"You know how it's pride monthh??" Daki asked.

"Pride month?" 

"Yeah! June! Pride month!" 

"What's 'pride month'?"

Daki sighed. "Oh Nakime.. So basically.." she started.

(hahaha- too lazy to explain :p)

"And so I want to get everyone together! Because it's perfect for this!!" Daki concluded.

"What? Who? And get them together? Why not on Valentines day?" Nakime tilted her head, confused.

"Uhhh I actually don't know. Well, I did think of this past February so.." 

The two sat silently for a moment. "Alright then." Nakime nodded to herself.


"I'll help you. Just tell me who we're getting together," she said.

Daki's eyes sparkled. "YESSS, THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!!" she hugged the Biwa demon tightly then backed away, flushed. "Ah- sorry-" she muttered.

"It's.. okay.." Nakime whispered, her cheeks tinted pink. "Ah.. so who?"

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