Affection | {DouKaza}

358 10 41

Theme: Fluff

Note: I feel like I've used that picture before ;-; but i couldn't find the one I wanted to use


Erm tried writing prompt of "eyes" unsure where I went w/ this-

Veerryyy short!!

Rainbow, blues, greens, yellows, purples... The colors filled Akaza's mind as he gazed deeply into the striking eyes of Uppermoon 2. His breath caught in his throat and he stared, entranced of what his eyes were comprehending. Something beautiful. 

Douma's hand rested on Akaza's jaw, stroking his thumb against his cheek comfortingly, lovingly. He was silent for a moment and admired Akaza's golden eyes as they blinked innocently at him, finding love filled deep in them. 

"Akaza-dono?" he murmured a minute later. His voice seemed distant, as if he was in a different world than his voice was. 

Akaza hummed. "What is it?" He tilted his head forward so his forehead rested against the blond's. Douma gave him a gentle smile. 

"I love you."

Akaza laughed softly. "That's what you wanted to tell me?" 

"Why? Am I not allowed to?" Douma teased, moving slightly to kiss Akaza's nose.

"It was random," Akaza said, his voice hitching in his throat again. 

He wasn't used to this type of affection. And Douma wouldn't stop. Wouldn't let him get used to it, but now he didn't care. He liked it. He absolutely loved it. 

A soft rumble came from the clouds above and Akaza glanced up, tearing his gaze from the blond for a moment.

"It's going to rain," he commented.

Douma nodded and pulled the smaller demon onto his lap.

Akaza flushed lightly at this small gesture and looked away, determined for Douma to not see how easily flushed he was.

A light sprinkle of rain started pattering down onto the demons, giving the air a gentle chill to it.

Douma wrapped his arms around Akaza and leaned his head against the pale-grey palor of his shoulder. 

The rain continued, starting to pour harder now. Neither Uppermoon paid any mind to it, their focus solely on each other and the touch of their bodies, the warmth radiating from one to the other and back again.

Akaza hummed to himself, finding a melody in the sound of the rain and the heartbeat of his lover. 

They stayed in this way for a while, not wanting to let each other go. 

Water splashed around them, forming puddles under the tree the sat on. Akaza moved his gaze to Douma's lips and he watched as they twitched ever so slightly as the blond breathed. 

It was colder now as the temperature dro[ped and the rain flowed down from the sky. 

Akaza shivered and Douma brought the demon's face to his, his breath flushing onto Akaza's face lightly. 

"Are you cold?" he murmured, kissing Akaza's cheek, his nose, his lips.

"I..." The Uppermoon paused. "Kind of." 

Douma's arms wrapped tighter around Akaza's body and said, "If you're cold, we can go find shelter."

Akaza hesitated. He liked here, though. It was comforting. He shook his head. "It's okay."


Their gaze met and their eyes searched each other's faces, finding love written all over them. 

Akaza's honey-gold eyes were tinted from the rain collecting on his eyelashes. He blinked and the raindrops dripped down his cheek. Douma wiped away some of the rain, though it only was replaced by more a second later. He laughed to himself, feeling a new sort of giddyness from this. 

Akaza tilted his head and Douma copied the motion, wanting to keep their eyes at level with each other. He wanted to dive right into Akaza's warm, yellow eyes and let the Uppermoon's soul live inside Akaza forever. He wanted Akaza. Akaza for himself, for the world. 

Douma kissed him again and Akaza pushed his body against the blond's, moving them closer together. Binding their heartbeats to one, their life, love, their blood, merging them closer and closer.

A smile lingered on Douma's face as he pulled back. 

"I love you, Akaza," he said. "I love you." 

Akaza's eyes seemed to glimmer at these words, for they were spoken with such passion, such genuine love, he felt his heart melt. His golden eyes met those beautiful rainbow one and he said, softly, "I love you too."

{Word count: 696}

Rain can set the mood to gloomy or like... a perfect date scene. 

Idk rain gives me lots of inspo (sorry it's so short-) 

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