Unwilling pt. 2 | {KokuZan}

294 11 229

Theme: Angst

Note: Aesthetically has no KokuZan pictures cuz i'm using a diff device now.. 

So the picture is a lie there's no fluff :3<3

Ty to freshbeans6479 and Im_using_my_rosetoy for da ideas of the pt.2 ^^! (putting the screenshot here would only spoil what happens so <3)

TW: Mentionss of suicideeee 🥲

This is a bit short, sorryy..

Tags: @FanficSnail @freshbeans6479 @Ima_weeb01 @penpen_doukazasimp @Aierey @Im_using_my_rosetoy @Demonslayer_thebest @L1ttle_Fr13nd @Jackie_styyy i think that's all..?


He smiled at it, a sort of bitter smile.

"I tried," he whispered, leaning forward and closing his eyes.

Blue and red lights flashed across his gaze and he blinked wearily, confused. His whole body hurt and he groaned. 

"Sir, I need you to stay still. We're going to give you an anesthetic," someone said, holding Muzan's body up.

He could barely register the words and blacked out before he knew what was happening.

When he woke up, his head hurt like hell and he didn't know what was happening. His throat felt parched and he winced as he tried to sit up, looking around. He appeared to be in a hospital room, he knew that, but he didn't remember anything that had happened in the last... he didn't remember much, actually.

He felt almost like a chunk of his brain had been chopped away. 

There was talking outside the door and two people stepped into the room. One wore a white robe and had a nametag on it. The other person was a mystery for he didn't appear to be someone who worked here, neither someone Muzan recognised. 

"Muzan!" the unknown person said. 

The one with the nametag—Tamayo, apparently—stayed at the door. She said something to the other person then nodded and left.

Muzan was his name, right? Right. How did this person know it. 

The person moved to stand next to his bed and said, his face creased with worry, "Are... are you alright?" 

"Who are you?" Muzan asked. Or rather, he tried to ask but his throat was so dry it came out in a choked cough.

The person quickly handed him some water which Muzan realized he couldn't even drink given that his hands felt stiff. 

The man, which he could now see had long black and red hair tied up in a ponytail, brought the cup to Muzan's lips and he drank needily, sighing deeply once he'd finished.

"Who are you?" he repeated now, his voice clearer.

The man, then, looked hurt and almost scared. "You... you know who I am!! I'm... I'm Michika-... Kokushibo." 

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