Try too hard (pt.2) | {Doukaza}

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Theme: Fluffy denial :O


"Uhm. Because..- Because I like you!" Douma blurted out.


"You like me??" Akaza asked, confused. "As in..?"

"As in.. as in.. more than our friendship!" Douma said quickly.

"Well that could be literally anything because our so called 'friendship' is non-existent," Akaza said bluntly.

Douma pouted. "No!! What I meant was that.. that I love you!!"

"Sure.. Elaborate.." Akaza demanded. "You always say that, so-"

Douma interrupted him. "I mean, I love you Akaza-dono. The stupid kind of love that makes humans marry and multiply!!" he tried.

Akaza rolled his eyes at Douma's explanation then paused. "Wait what?"

"Yes.. I love you!" Douma smiled.

Akaza blinked, processing this. "You.. you do? Why? When? What? Is this a joke?" he asked incredulously.

"I do! And I don't know, that's what emotions are, no? When? Uh.. Hm.. what does the 'what' mean? And it's not a joke!!" Douma insisted.

Akaza rolled his eyes again, still thinking it wasn't true. "But you can't even feel emotions, how does that work?" he pointed out.

"I don't know!!" the blond whined. "But I do! So come with me!"

Akaza huffed. "You never even told me where we were going, bitch," he groaned, pushing Douma away. Though he acted the same, his head was spinning with millions of questions.

Douma nodded. "Right. Right, we're going to this place near the ocean I found. It's really pretty," he said.


"Mhm! So.. will you come with me?" 

"..." Akaza was silent, contemplating what he should do. Was Douma just faking these feelings or..? No, because when he does it's a lot more exaggerated. Maybe.. maybe they are real? "Fine. But you better not waste my time."

"Of course, Akaza-dono!" Douma promised.

(this is me coming back to this a month or so later.. so if it doesn't add up to whatever tf happened last part sorry </3)

And so, Akaza and Douma walked until they reached their destination. The water was ravenous today, crashing against the shore harshly.

(ahahhaah- no. I last touched this in september ;-;. It's october. And I probably got this request in august..)

Akaza looked around curiously. What was so pretty about this place? The water looked murky-grey and the sand was sparce, mostly consisting of pebbles and rocks of the most bland colors.

"Is this.. what you wanted to show me?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Douma shook his head. "No, not fully. Anyways, the sky is kinda darker today so it's not as pretty as it was the first time I came here. But, I want to show you something that's a little further, is that okay?"

"I guess," Akaza huffed. 

They walked down the beach, moving around this big cliff and walking through some shallow water. Half way through Douma offered to carry Akaza through the water but, of course, he refused. The water got deeper until it was half way up Akaza's thighs and he crossed his arms around himself. It was cold and windy, not that he'd ever admit it, and he felt like just leaving Douma here but his curiosity got the best of him. 

So he followed for about 5 more minutes until the blond stopped, suddenly, and Akaza nearly crashed into him.

"The hell was that for?" the pinkette whined. He stood on tip-toes, trying to get the least wet he could though the water was up to his waist now. 

Douma turned to him apologetically. "Sorry, but we're here!"

Akaza peered around him and saw nothing. "What?"

"We've got to go in the cave-thingy," Douma explained and took Akaza's hand. 


"It's in the cliff, we have to go up and it'll be easier if we both go at the same time so we don't splash each other," he said.

"That actually makes sense. Alright," Akaza decided.

Douma pouted but ignored the comment after that and picked up Akaza who squeaked in surprise. The blond jumped and landed on a part of the cliff that was some sort of cave, like Douma had said, and looking out into the water.

Akaza de-attached himself from Douma and looked out. "Woa," he murmured.

"Right?" Douma said, smiling.

The ocean seemed like it was sparkling, though not the most pleasing color, and the moon was facing them, bright and shining. It's reflection shone on the water and seemed to glow. You could see so far out and lights of a city glimmered on the left. The ocean looked like it would go on and on, forever and ever. 

Akaza sat down on the cave ground and looked out at the view, completely forgetting his cold and wet clothes. "You know, this makes me feel so small-"

"Really?" Douma asked. "I thought you would feel as if it was more places to go around and take over or something."

"What? You thought I'd be so full of myself? Is that what you thought?" Akaza asked, rolling his eyes.

"No, I just thought it was pretty!"


They sat in silence for a while before Douma said, quietly, "Akaza-dono.. What do you think of me?"


"I said I liked you. That I love you. But what about you? Do you hate me? Like me? Something in the middle?" Douma asked, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

Akaza went silent, unsure how to respond. Really, he didn't know. So.. he just admitted that, deciding that he may later regret saying he hated Douma. Probably not, but maybe. 

"I'm not sure," he murmured. "I don't know."

The blond turned, then, and said, "Come closer to me. I.."

Akaza raised an eyebrow but didn't wait for him to finish and scooted closer. "What is it?"

Douma placed a hand on Akaza's chin—which miraculously didn't jerk away from him—and said, softly, "Tell me how you feel after this." Then he kissed him, gently at first and when he felt Akaza kiss back, more passionately. He pulled away and stared at Akaza who turned away, flushed. "So..?"

"I.. Uhm.. You.." Akaza stuttered, confused, embarrassed, and giddy. "Ehm.. You're.. I feel.. You.. I... Uh-" 

Douma smiled. This was entertaining. And cute.

"Douma!" Akaza said suddenly, turning back to the blond though he averted his eyes.


"K..Kiss me again. Then I'll see how I feel!" he said decidedly.

"Oh- Okay!" Douma said cheerfully, placing his lips carefully on the shorter male. "Do you like me or hate me or neither??" he asked after. 

Akaza huffed and crossed his arms then slid back into the water. Douma scrambled after him and nearly splashed Akaza's whole body.

"Sorr-" he started, but was cut off. 

"I think I like you," Akaza said, then marched away, back to the beach, away from the stunned blond. 

"I do," Akaza whispered to himself, once out of earshot. "I really do."

{Word count: 1084}

this was kinda cute tho ngl :>

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