I love you unconditionally | {ObaMitsu}

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Theme: Fluff

Note: Because I have the song "Unconditionally" stuck in my head

Also... put on "Superman" by Rachel Platten it's-- it's so soothing-

Tags: @Missamericana___ <33 >:D 

Obanai's arms wrapped around her shoulders and he leaned his head on hers. She nuzzled onto his chest and brought her legs up to her chest, balling herself up in his lap. 

"Mitsuri," he murmured. 


"I have a mission soon." 

She looked up at him, her beautiful pale green eyes seemingly sparkling. "Can we stay, if only for a minute more, Iguro-San?" she pleaded. 

He hesitated. He wanted to say yes so badly. But how would this affect things. "Okay," he decided.

She smiled at him. "Thank you." Burying her head back in his embrace, she hugged him tightly. "I love you, Iguro-San," she whispered.

He rested his cheek on her head. "I love you too." He paused. "Why do you love me?" he asked, his voice coming out quiet and timid. 

"Why?" She contemplated this for a moment, her ear to his heart. The beat of it was constant, a bit like a metronome. She tapped her fingers on his stomach mindlessly, to the beat of his heart. "I love you because you make me happy," she said finally.

Obanai's heart fluttered off beat and Mitsuri looked up at him, a gentle smile growing on her lips. "Iguro-San, why do you love me?" she asked.

He returned her gaze for a minute then averted his eyes from hers. "I love how you are. Your personality makes me feel so normal and happy. You make me happy," he murmured. 

Mitsuri sat up slowly. Her eyes shone with such affections words could not describe and she leaned up and kissed his cheek. 

Obanai flushed and looked away making her giggle. 

"Iguro-San, you're so cute!!" she said, hugging him tightly.

"I... can't agree with your opinion, but I can say you're... really pretty," he mumbled, his face pink with embarrassment. 

She gave him a lopsided smile. "I love you, Iguro-San! I wish to be with you forever!"

Obanai started to respond, then hesitated. "I wish I could... but we can't be," he said, the words coming out with a sigh.

She frowned. "Why's that? Because we're Hashira?" 

He nodded slowly. "Partially. But you can't be with someone like me, not unless I'm reborn into a better person."

Mitsuri shook her head. "You're a wonderful person, Iguro. I'd love you unconditionally! Don't say things like that," she said, pouting.

Their eyes met and Obanai gave her a sorrowful look. "Kanroji... I love you more than you could imagine and what you've been saying has made me so... unexplainably happy, but I've... and my family... The only way to amend it would be to die and be reborn as a better person than I am. I want to be with you more than you know it, but... is it really my decision to chose?" he concluded quietly.

She gave him an inquiring look. "Of course it is, Iguro-San! Nobody is perfect and we all do bad things sometimes," she smiled at him tentatively. "Besides, we're our own person. We decide what goes on in our lives and how we live them. Don't let other's actions or opinions impact your own."

Obanai leaned his forehead against hers. "Thank you," he whispered. "For everything."

"I've not done much, Iguro-San. It's all in you," Mitsuri said, placing a hand over his chest where his heart lay. "All your wonderfulness too."

He smiled though she couldn't see it through the bandages he wore. "Kanroji?" he said slowly, as if thinking through something.

"Yes?" she asked, blinking up at him with her beautiful green eyes. 

"If I was to take off... this," he said, motioning to his mask, "would you be willing to kiss me, not questioning what you see or feeling drawn away by it?"

She looked confused for a moment and Obanai quickly scrambled to apologize. "I'm sorry, it's too much to ask, I just-"

She held up a hand, sitting back up on his lap. "No, Iguro-San, it's alright. Of course I would." She smiled at him. "You've accepted every odd aspect of myself, every part of me I've been told to despise by others all my life, if I weren't to do the same to you it would be very... ungrateful and rude of me." She paused. "Besides, any part of Iguro-San is beautiful, no question in it. I wouldn't think of pressuring you to answer any questions I had."

Obanai gave her a grateful look. "Thank you," he repeated.

She nodded.

Obanai reached up, slowly unraveling the bandages wrapped around his jaw. He took his time, anxious about what her reaction might be and a bit nervous. He'd never shown anyone but Kaburamaru this before, and currently his snake was elsewhere having wanted to give the two Hashira a little more privacy. 

The white cloth fell from his face and onto his shoulders, resting there as if a replacement for the snake that often sat there.

Mitsuri gazed at Obanai, her eyes widening as she took in the scar that was etched across his jaw. His brow drew into each itself in nervous concern, unsure what her reaction was. 

"...Mitsuri?" he said slowly, referring to her by her first name.

She blinked and her eyes met his. "Iguro... Iguro-San," she whispered, her hand reaching up to his face. She traced the scar with her finger gently, making Obanai's body tense at first. He relaxed a moment later; her tenderness making him feel safe.

She paused. "May I kiss you?" she murmured, her tone hesitant as if she was unsure she should even be seeing this.

Obanai nodded shyly, his eyes landing on anything but her and his cheeks flushed pink. 

But when Mitsuri leaned towards him, her eyes fluttering closed, he brought his gaze to her face, lingering on her lips for a split second. Then he wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer to him. 

Her lips pressed against his and they seemed to fit perfectly against each other. Obanai closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling of her warmth against his. 

It lasted nearly half a minute and when they pulled apart they seemed almost enchanted in what had just happened, somewhat in a trance at what they'd done. A smile broke out into Obanai's face, a smile Mitsuri would never forget; for it was the first time she'd truly seen his smile. 

"I love you, Mitsuri," he said. 

"I love you too." 

{Word count: 1069}

okay but ;-;.. when i was at 400 words i was unsure if i would get to 1000.... and my sister was too- and then i got to 900+ and she's like "wow you did that fast" LMAO 😭

ALSO I READ THE OBAMITSU DEATH (last kny book i think??) YESTERDAY AND I-- *cries*

anywho THIS WAS 




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