Sweet talk | {SabiGiyuu}

265 4 41

Theme: Fluff!

Note: Somewhat mutual agreement that they're dating (SabiGiyuu!) 

Choose their ages it's just mindless fluff activity no actual sense of time tbh

or AU lmao.. i just realized this could be a modern AU or a regular AU or anything you put your mind to- 

And this is short i'm sorry :'> i got stuck half way thru

Tags: @Aierey <3

Giyuu lay quietly on his futon, his eyes fluttering open every now and then, watching Sabito as they lay together in the room, their simple presence soothing their bodies and minds.

Sabito wasn't tired at all and ran his hand through the tangled mess of Giyuu's hair every so now and then in a gentle motion. 


"Yes, Sabito?" Giyuu said, almost instantly though his voice was quite placid and drowsy.

"You're really cute when you're tired," Sabito said, not really thinking about what he was saying. His hand slipped down to Giyuu's jaw, stroking his cheek in slow motions.

Giyuu smiled at him. "I love you, Sabito."

"Hm...mhm, you're always cute though," he continued, moving closer and resting his forehead against Giyuu's. 

"Am I?" Giyuu asked, his eyes fluttering close again.

Sabito nodded, placing a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's jaw, hovering over his lips. "Very. I don't know how I managed to get myself such an adorable boyfriend," he teased.

Giyuu closed the distance between them, kissing him slowly and deliberately. When he pulled away, he opened his eyes, meeting Sabito's gaze. "Mmhm, but I have a hot boyfriend," he said, giggling. 

"...I do too!" Sabito said, huffing.

"No, you said yours was cute!" Giyuu pointed out.

"Well, he's also hot!" 

"He's not!" he protested.

Sabito kissed him then, pulling back a couple seconds later. "You are, Giyuu," he murmured. "Very."

Giyuu pouted but didn't say anything other, sleep clouding back into his mind.

"You should rest," Sabito said, noticing.

"I wanna talk with you more, Sabit...o," Giyuu mumbled, his eyes fluttering open then shutting again.

"We can talk in the morning, go to sleep," he said, kissing Giyuu's forehead, his hand entangling in the dark locks of Giyuu's hair. 

"Mm..." Giyuu moved, his arms wrapping around Sabito's waist. He buried his head in his boyfriend's chest, nuzzling him gently.

Sabito smiled, patting the other affectionately. "Love you, Giyuu," he said quietly.

"Love you too," Giyuu said, his voice muffled by Sabito's chest.

The room lapsed into silence—a comfortable one, though—and Sabito held onto Giyuu protectively, listening to the soft sound of their breathing as Giyuu drifted off to sleep.

A couple minutes later, Giyuu's breathing slowed in sign that he'd fallen asleep. Sabito was drifting off as well, his hand swimming through the tangled black locks of Giyuu's hair in comforting motions, his eyes fluttering close.

"I love you so much, Giyuu," Sabito whispered into Giyuu's embrace. "You're wonderful and amazing and I want to spend my whole life with you. I just... care for you so much. You're the best person I've ever met and I wish I could keep you for myself always, never share you with anyone. But I want you to be happy. I want you to live your best life and I'll do anything to protect you from anything making it otherwise." 

He went quiet again, opening his eyes and kissing Giyuu's forehead gently again. "I wish I could tell you just how much I love you," he murmured, closing his eyes again and letting himself drift off to sleep.

{Word count: 664}

I was using this LMAO 😭 I just used random things from this to write the fluff BC IT'S SO FREAKING CUTE ARHGH

I was using this LMAO 😭 I just used random things from this to write the fluff BC IT'S SO FREAKING CUTE ARHGH

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the title of this is completely random tho tbh 

it used to be "Affectionate"

and before that it was "My love is an infinite road leading to you"

and before that it was "young love is a beautiful thing"

and before that it was "I love you"

and before THAT it was "You're my comfort"

and like

 😭 please i'm so indecisive

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