Make me smile | {Doukaza}

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Kind of inspired by the picture ^

Theme: Fluff

{Takes place right after the upm meeting abt Daki and Gyutaro's deaths}

"Akaza-dono~" Douma said, poking the shorter male's side over and over.

"What?" Akaza snapped, moving out of reach from Douma.

"Can you hang out with meeee?" Douma whined, moving back to the other's side.

Akaza sighed deeply and turned away. "No. Now shut up and leave me alone."

He dashed off but Douma, being a rank higher than him, managed to catch up easily. "C'mon, Akaza-dono! It'll be fun!" he insisted, tugging on the striped demon's haori.


"...PLEASE!" Douma whined, following Akaza around.

The way the blond was acting was so childish and it made Akaza's face break into a small smile. Douma was just like a little kid and it almost made Akaza give in. Almost.

"Yeahhhhhhh...No. I need to go on my mission now, so just leave me alone," Akaza ordered, although he didn't think the other would listen. He turned to look at Douma, but he wasn't expecting to see him staring at Akaza, mouth open wide in surprise. "What the- What's wrong with you?" Akaza asked, stepping back.

"You...smiled," Douma said. He grinned-a real one, this time-and was at the other upper rank's side in a second.

He picked up Akaza by the waist and smiled. "You smiled...! And at me!"

Akaza struggled to get out of Douma's grasp, but he was too strong. He slumped slightly, annoyed. "Let me down, you idiot! And I did not smile."

"You did! Do it again! C'mon, Akaza-donooo~" Douma urged.

Akaza rolled his eyes and tried once again to get out of the higher ranked demon's hold. And again, he failed. "Ugh, no I need to go now. Just let me go already," he said.

Douma shook his head. "Not until you smile for me again!"

Sighing, Akaza said, "Only if you let me down."


Letting the shorter male down, Douma patted Akaza's head and said, "Alright! Smile for me!"

"Ugh, no."

" said you would!"

" I didn't." Akaza turned, his back to Douma.

"You did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did-" a hand was placed on Douma's mouth before he could finish. "Hm?"

"Oh shut up, fine. This is getting annoying anyways," Akaza grumbled.

Douma's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Akaza nodded begrudgingly. "But if have to give me a reason to smile, otherwise I won't."

Douma nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, okay!

Akaza waited for something to happen, and he was confused when nothing did. But then Douma said, "Close your eyes."

"Hell no! What're you going to do to me, you creep?!" Akaza exclaimed, backing up several paces.

"I'm not a creep!" Douma whined.

"Right. Anyways, I am not closing my eyes, who knows what you might do to me," Akaza said, crossing his arms.

"Oh. Okay," Douma said, slightly disappointed.

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