I don't want him, I want you | {KanaAoi}

374 8 28

Theme: Angst+Fluff

Note: Idk google said that's what their ship name is (i will never stop with the rarer ships >:D)
Here you gooo: @GiyuuTomioka9374 <33

Also this oneshot went a little off course of what I intended it to be so sorry if the plot seems to change randomly-

Aoi knew that Kanao liked him. She knew that. And she knew that many must like Tanjiro as well, because he was so sweet and considerate. Most people hadn't given Aoi a second glance—besides that annoying boy Zenitsu—but Tanjiro had valued what she could do and had thanked her. And instantly he'd touched her heart. But so many people's hearts Tanjiro must've charmed because his manner was so loving in the ways he didn't even seem to realize, people eventually would grow attached to him.

Which was what had happened to Aoi... unfortunately. And she knew she musn't hope he would like her because she knew that Kanao was a much more amazing girl. Much prettier, talented, beautiful... She was more desirable. She was everything Aoi wasn't. 

Aoi had gotten used to pushing down her feelings. She'd gotten used to no longer being jealous of Kanao's skill. She'd gotten used to not bursting into tears at any mention of Kanae. She'd gotten used to pretending she didn't know that people trusted Shinobu to heal them more than her. She'd gotten used to a lot. 

But not love, no, not love. She'd never loved anyone before. And now she loved someone. Tanjiro, right? She loved Tanjiro. But Kanao must love him too. Kanao... Kanao would probably get him, as well. 

Aoi hated this but it was the truth. It was the truth and she had to live with it. No matter how much she hated it. But if she told Tanjiro how she felt, would he maybe consider her? He was kind and sweet. He might. He might or maybe he did and he'd crossed her out of the list. 

But then a letter came. From... a secret admirer? Who.. who was this? 

Aoi was in shock, of course, as she read the letter over an over. Her eyes latched onto the last words. 'You know me but never will know because you see me as someone I'm not.'

'You see me as someone I'm not.' 

What? Aoi paused. And then it was signed as, "Your secret admirer." Of course. Cliché but who cares.. 

Who would admire her? Aoi, of all people. 

She didn't recognize the handwriting. It seemed sort of stiff in some parts and smooth in others. It appeared as if the person who'd sent it had attempted to conceal their identity. Well, they did well. Aoi had absolutely no idea who this might be. 

She picked up a pen and wrote, on the back of the paper,"Dear 'secret admirer,' can you tell me who you are? Or, at least, give a hint? I'm curious as to who might find anything in me to admire. -Aoi."

She stood and left the note where she'd found it, hoping to find an answer after she finished making lunch.

And she did. A new paper, a pink one, said, "I cannot tell you. You would not accept me, most likely. But, I will tell you two, for now: My words are few and my choices are not mine to make."

Aoi didn't understand. Some sort of riddle? Whoever wrote this was clearly was trying to be vague. "My words are few."  So to say, they spoke little? Or wrote little? And the last part, what did that mean? Where they not in charge of what they chose? Perhaps their father chose their decisions. That was common amongst young women, mostly. Was it a girl?

Aoi turned the paper and wrote down her question. She would do the laundry now, she decided, and left the room.


They exchanged notes like this for quite some time. Aoi got a couple hints about this person but never anything that might tell her the truth.

She knew that this 'secret admirer' was a girl. That she was silent and for some reason never made her own decisions. Besides that, this girl had around a little under shoulder-length dark hair and was often coming to the Butterfly mansion, and that she was a demon slayer.

It should've been obvious but for some reason Aoi couldn't place it. Like if you had a song stuck in your head and you were trying to think of the name but it was at the tip of your tongue and just wouldn't slip out. It was sort of frustrating but also exhilarating because it gave Aoi some fun and she was always excited for the next note.

In fact, she got so caught up into this that she'd forgotten about her jealousy of Kanao and her love for Tanjiro. 

So it went on. Note after note, wait after wait. But one day, Aoi got a note that said, to her shock, "To my dear Aoi. I have decided to tell you who I am. I've seen how much you would like to know and I figured that I must tell you who I am in case I do not live—no, I don't have any pressing missions coming up, but you will never know if you work as a demon slayer. I will meet you under the window of your room tonight. From, the one who loves you most."

Aoi's eyes flitted over the words once more, excitement coursing through her whole being. She couldn't wait. 

She went about her day in a good mood—something that didn't go unnoticed by Shinobu—and waved Kanao off when she went to her mission happily. When night came around, instead of her usual worries if Shinobu and Kanao would come home safely, she waited in anticipation on her bed, her mind thinking about who it might be. 

She moved a chair to the window and gazed out, waiting. But minutes ticked to hours and soon Aoi was getting impatient and tired. She fell asleep around midnight, confused and heart broken. Perhaps this had just been a prank. 


That night, Aoi dreamt of a butterfly. The butterfly flit around her, calling her name. It landed on her head and wouldn't move away. Aoi tried batting it off but it just avoided her hand. It kept saying, "Aoi! Aoi! Aoi!" over and over. 

A pebble hit Aoi's arms and she jolted awake, blinking blearily around. 

It was still dark out and she squinted, confused. Her name was called again, somewhere below, and she saw a figure there.

What is the girl? 

"Who is it?" Aoi murmured. 

"The.. the one who promised to meet you," the girl said. "I'm sorry, I had a mission and-"

Aoi shook her head, not beliving her ears. "Kanao, is that you? I can't tell, am I still dreaming?"

"No.. I've been sending you those notes. I read somewhere that was a way to confess your love to someone." Kanao's voice was low, nervous.

Aoi fumbled around, standing and leaning slightly out the window to see better. And there she was, Kanao, the girl who Aoi had been just jealous of some weeks ago. 

"You.. like me? I thought you liked Tanjiro..!" Aoi said, surprise lacing her voice.

"I've never liked him as I thought you did. I only was fond of him, as I am of Shinobu and.. Kanae," Kanao mumbled. "I didn't tell you who I was because I was scared, but you never mentioned Tanjiro so I got hopeful.."

Aoi flushed. "Oh..!" She didn't know what to say. She definitely had never thought about it but.. now that she did, maybe her jealousy of Kanao wasn't necessarily fully jealousy. Was there anything there that might suggest she liked her back?

Kanao fidgeted with her katana handle, unsure what to say. "What do you... think?"

"I think I'm glad it was you and not someone else," Aoi decided. "You're a very pretty and sweet girl I.. might consider.. dating you?"

Kanao looked up in surprise. "Really?"

"Mhm.. Now come inside, it's too cold to be out so early," Aoi demanded. 

Kanao smiled at her. A sort of relieved and happy smile. "Alright."

{Word count: 1346}

This ship is so cute <33 

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