I couldn't, I thought I would lose you too... | {MasaNemi/SaneKana/SaneGiyuu}

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Theme: Fluff, Angst, Fluff, repeat ✨ (Silly edit I made while I was half way through writing: No because there was more angst than I thought there would be)

Note: Yk, I don't have any pictures with all three of these ships ofc so It's just Nemi up there❤ Also goddamn the title is long as fuck 🥲 Btw, sorry if I don't get Masachika's personality right, I don't know much about him and haven't read a single fanfic with him in it so.. yeah, sorry in advance 😭

This oneshot has lots of spoilers for no real reason except it give it more action tbh 💀

[Slightly gone through and edited] 

When Sanemi met Masachika, he knew there was something different about him. Though Masachika was just an ordinary demon slayer who Sanemi had shouted at, the two ended up bonding rather quickly, despite their contrasting personalities.

Masachika was one of the few—or rather, the only—who was able to calm Sanemi. They grew closer the more time they spent together, doing nearly everything aside the other. After passing final selection together, the two's feelings for each other pushed past friendship, crossing the line between friendly to romantic. Sanemi ended up being the first to express himself, though more on accident, when Masachika had gotten hurt on one of his solo missions. He'd been frantic when he heard this and rushed to Masachika's side. Luckily, his injury hadn't been deep enough to be fatal, though the spot where the wound was had been was dangerously close to his heart.

Then was when Sanemi had told Masachika how he'd felt. He'd not even realized it until Masachika took his hands and said he felt the same. Sanemi had been so worried, his own heart pounding in his ears as he'd shouted, "You fucking bastard! You have to be more careful!! The other people were far behind you, you had abolutely no fucking right to put yourself in such a fatal position and nearly get yourself killed! I can't fucking lose you, I love you and if you do go I won't be able to live!!"

Masachika, though weak from the wound, had heard this and smiled. It was clear that Sanemi hadn't even realized he'd said the words himself, but that they were very much true. He held Sanemi's hands in his and said, sweetly, soft, "Sanemi. I live for you, and you alone. I wouldn't leave you if I had a choice, I love you as well."

Those words brought Sanemi's head to clear. He shook, still, from the fear that had coursed through him when he'd heard that Masachika had been badly injured, but also from.. from a sort of contentment. Or relief. As the words sunk in, he realized what they really meant and his eyes opened wide, staring at the pale face of the one person he wanted to call his lover. He wrapped Masachika in his arms and bit back tears, cradling the one he loved in his embrace.

Since then, before each mission they had, the two swore they would never forget the other, knowing that this mission might as well be their last. Before this, before when their love was only friendship, they only expressed the hope of the other's safety. Now they would hug the other tightly as they said their goodbye's, hoping that it wouldn't be the last. 

So again, when the crow came down and shouted their orders of a new mission, they were quick to get ready. Even on their joint missions, they said goodbye, because who knew if one might die, or if both, or none. They couldn't know. 

Masachika prepared himself by making sure his katana was in place and Sanemi got the two some water before they headed off. Both stared at each other for a second, then Sanemi mumbled, "Masachika? I have a bad feeling about this mission."

Masachika laughed, though nothing about this was humorous. "You always say that, who's to say this one will be different? Don't make yourself worry, Nemi, we'll get through it as we always do. And even if we don't, you know I'll love you through anything, okay?" He hugged his lover tightly, and Sanemi wrapped his arms around Masachika. 

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