''Hey, you're okay..'' | {SaneGiyuu}

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Theme: Angst+Fluff (god why do I keep doing these LMAO)

"What did you say..?" Giyuu whispered, speaking for the first time in the entire meeting.

The other Hashira watched him intently as their Master continued talking. "You must travel to that village and eradicate the demon family living there. Is there a problem with this mission?" he asked, curious.

"Oh.. Uhm.." Giyuu mumbled, looking down. How was he to tell him that this was the village he'd been born in? It was a very touchy subject for him. "It's.. it's the village.. I.." His voice faltered as he spoke and he just stared at the ground.

The Hashira around him were very curious now. What was so meaningful about this village? Why did he almost seem scared?? 

"Hm?" Kagaya urged, confused. Had Giyuu gone there before and had bad experiences or..?

"The village I lived in before.. before.. ah.. demons came into my life?" Giyuu said, phrasing it differently so he wouldn't have to say 'before my sister died.'

"Ah. Is that so?" Kagaya said, sensing he was feeling on edge. "Well, let's have somebody else go with you then! Hm.. Sanemi?"

Sanemi jolted and grumbled under his breath but nodded. "Okay, sure, Master.."

Giyuu looked grim as well but agreed. Thus, Kagaya ended the meeting with a light clap and waved them off to rest a little before their missions. Giyuu had no plans on resting though. He would have to figure out how to get through this mission without Sanemi figuring everything out. But how? He'd carefully avoided that village for a while now but he had to go. Oyakata-Sama had requested it. But this would be hard to go through.. THe memories.. 

He fretted all through afternoon to evening. Then he and Sanemi set off towards the village. The whole way, Giyuu's mind raced through all the possibilities he thought may happen. Hopefully the villagers who'd made fun of him were gone now. Either dead or left or whatever, but anything to hide the truth. Please.

Little did he know, Sanemi was inspecting him closely and watching his eveey move. He was very interested in why this mission and village might bother Giyuu so much. Was it past memories? Perhaps. But he couldn't be that scared because of that, no? Well.. it wasn't like they'd ever heard Tomioka talk about his past before, so.. Or more like talk about himself at all, actually. It was quite interesting. 

As they neared the village, Giyuu became more and more restless and was constantly on edge. Then Sanemi, who was starting to feel a little uneasy by his companian's actions, said, "So.. is there anything I should know about this place?"

Giyuu, startled, looked up and then paused. He'd forgotten he should fill in Sanemi with as much as he knew for the mission. "Ah.. Uhm.. The villagers here don't—or at least they didn't?—believe in demons. At all." He didn't say much else and continued walked, looking a little distant.

How did Giyuu know this? Had a demon attacked Giyuu's family? While Sanemi pondered on about this, they two reached their destination and entered the village quietly. The last sun rays had disappeared fully and they were in complete darkness, save for the dim light of the moon and the few lanterns still lit. But that didn't matter, over the years the demon slayers had to grow accostomed to the dark and their eyes eventually were trained to see better—or in people who had worse eye sight, or were blind, like Gyomei, trained their other senses more—so they easily navigated through the roads. Eventually the two froze as they felt the presence of the demon. It wouldn't be an Uppermoon because of how easily they had sensed it. At least that was a comfort. But the presence felt large. This must be why they sent a Hashira. Well, two. Perhaps there were many? If it was that they were strong why did they not hide their presene?

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