"Oh no, I'm fine. It's just that I was surprised... I don't think I need to see a doctor."

"Shards from the chandelier might have flown, and you have been crushed by Woofu. Woofu's weight is not to be taken lightly."

He immediately ignored my resistance and led me to an empty room in the palace. He laid me down on a long sofa and helped me take off my shoes.

"hold out your hand."

Then, Hunter gently kneaded my hand as if giving a massage.

"W-What are you doing...!"

As I tried to pull my hand away, he pressed his palm firmly and said, "Your hand is cold. Relax, it must be because you were surprised."

Hunter's warm and rough hand pressed and released my thin and soft hand repeatedly. Even though he's a crown prince, why are his hands so rough and calloused? The calluses on each joint of his fingers were no joke. Hunter noticed my gaze and explained.

"It's because I always hold a sword."

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not uncomfortable at all! Completely... completely delightful."

I thought I shouldn't reply late so I quickly spoke my answer but my tongue got tangled. Hunter laughed slightly at my words. Warmth immediately appeared on his sturdy face. It felt like it would melt my heart. We held hands for a moment, silently looking at each other. At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

"The doctor has arrived. Your Highness, the Crown Prince."

"Let him in."

"Forgive me for being late. I'll take a look at the patient."

An elderly man with a white beard, carrying a royal medical bag, approached me. Hunter made room for him to sit, vacating the chair where he was seated. The doctor took Hunter's place, and then...


Even I involuntarily made a strange sound because, above the doctor's head, the familiar information window appeared.

[Cain/Lord of the Magic Tower/Whimsical Genius/ favorability 3]

I couldn't help but be surprised. Why did the information window appear above the doctor's head?

"Well, sorry for surprising you with a doctor who looks like he hasn't eaten properly?. But he's quite reliable in his skills."

"Yes, he's a trustworthy doctor in the imperial palace. Usually, he examines the Emperor's body."

Hunter commented casually without knowing anything about the impersonator. Cain, who was stroking his white beard naturally, took the neatly placed hand on my stomach.

"Let me examine the flow of mana for a moment. Excuse me."

In my confusion, I glanced at the doctor, or rather, Cain, who chuckled.

His rough, dry hands, resembling wood, firmly gripped my hand. Covered in patches of calluses with sagging skin, the bony hand was truly that of an old man. Looking at him with widened eyes, Cain chuckled. The thin, dry lips that were lightly tucked into the wrinkled mouth looked eerily natural.


Cain examined me with apparent interest. And then, ding-dong.

[Cain's favorability increased +1]

"Your mana is peculiar. It's different from ordinary people. The quantity is small, and the vessel is poorly constructed, but it seems you have a rare color and quality of mana."

He added nonchalantly.

"It's as if you're not someone from this world..."

Feeling like he had pierced through the truth, I became even more scared. As I withdrew my hand, Cain brushed his beard and chuckled again.

"It's quite fascinating."

[Cain's favorability increased +1]

Yes, it really seemed intriguing. The steadily rising affection level seemed more driven by curiosity than romantic feelings. Cain undoubtedly considered me as some kind of experimental subject.

Meeting Cain wasn't part of the plan, but strangely, it turned out well. The favorability with Hunter, who already harbored deep affection for me and seemed willing to cross certain boundaries, was on a different level compared to Cain. Additionally, the ability to freely transform into the appearance of a child and an old man seemed to create a distance from the appeal of sexual attraction. Cain didn't seem inclined to engage in any inappropriate behavior with me.

"Have you ever learned any magic?"

Cain asked in a friendly tone. I nodded, and he sighed as if feeling sorry.

"If you enter the Magic Tower, you could be a valuable experiment... I mean, resource."

He was about to say 'experimental subject.' You sneaky bastard.

I glared at Cain but inside thought hard.

To change routes, It was important to get the timing right. The original plan was to delay the announcement of marriage with Hunter while separately sending a letter to Cain, to receive an invitation to the Magic Tower. Once inside, I wouldn't come out until I reached the end. Although it was reckless, it was a foolproof method that Hunter couldn't interfere with.

However, what if I let Cain hear about the Magic Tower now and show signs of wanting to join?

"You mentioned that my mana is small. Can someone like me enter the Magic Tower?"

I asked innocently. Hunter gave me a puzzled look from the side, but I ignored it. Instead, I leaned slightly toward Cain, as if genuinely interested in hearing more about the Magic Tower and magic.

"Of course. With such a unique mana, you would be welcomed by all the magicians in the Magic Tower."

Cain seemed to become more and more greedy as he spoke. his eyes burned with desire.

"For an ordinary person, they might become a newbie staying on the second floor, but someone like you, Narcissus, could attract the attention of the Magic Tower Lord."

Then, Cain grabbed my chin with his wrinkled fingertips and turned my face at an angle.

"Because you possess a very... attractive mana."

It was then.

"Let go of that hand."

Hunter's hand grabbed Cain's skinny wrist. Even though it seemed painful, Cain's expression remained unchanged, and he even smiled leisurely.

"Oh, dear. You told me to tell you the potential of the future Crown Princess, right?"

(*note* Del has the title of Crown Princess although not yet officially since he is male he would be addressed as prince, not princess)

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