However, deep inside he was thinking to himself.

If Del had the skill to read minds, what should I be thinking right now? I've never heard stories about a magician being born in the Narcissus family and even if he were a magician, magicians couldn't read people's minds. However, Hunter couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Of course, his face maintained a perfect poker face. The designer, who particularly struggled with the Crown Prince among the nobles, nervously laid out a catalog on the table.

"The Crown Prince's attire is already complete, but His Highness the Crown Princess's attire must be chosen from ready-made options. Since there are only three days left, if you choose a ready-made outfit, we can make alterations."

The catalog she offered had blue-colored clothing. Hunter had decided to wear a deep navy suit for this party. Wearing similar colors or accessories to match at the party signified that the two were in a romantic or marital relationship. Therefore, Del also had to wear clothes in a similar color to Hunter.

Hunter found himself surprisingly pleased with this fact. He forgot his fear of his mind being read and enthusiastically browsed through the catalog.

"I like this and this. What about you, Del?"

Hunter handed the catalog to Del and asked. Del, once again with guarded eyes full of caution, briefly glanced at Hunter's head before exhaling deeply and accepting the catalog. His transparent and clear green eyes slid down the catalog as if gliding. Hunter silently observed the movement of those eyes.

"I look good in anything I wear, so I'll go with this one."

Del quickly picked out a piece of clothing. It was a neat suit with a navy blue tint. The silhouette resembled Hunter's tailored suit.

Hunter imagined Del wearing that outfit. Del, undoubtedly looking like his fiancé, standing next to him, introducing himself as 'Del Narcissus Mellion.' The imagination strangely captivated Hunter's heart.

"Well then, we need to take measurements, so please stand up!"

The designer clapped her hands and spoke energetically. Judging by her faster-than-usual pace, it seemed like she was in a hurry. She gestured to her assistant. The designer's assistant, a tall and skinny man, approached Del with a tape measure.

"Please lift your arms like this."

The assistant said while hugging Del from behind. It was to measure the chest circumference. However, as soon as the assistant embraced Del, Hunter quickly stood up from the sofa.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way right now."

"Yes, yes?"

The assistant, taken aback, stepped back. His face turned pale.

"Uh, Your Highness, to measure dimensions, physical contact is inevitable..."

The designer tried to explain as if objecting. However, before she could finish, Hunter snatched the tape measure from the assistant's hand.

"Spread your arms."

Upon Hunter's words, Del turned around, making a surprised sound.

"What, what do you mean by 'spread your arms'?"

"...? You need to spread your arms. What else..."

As Hunter spoke, his face turned red. He realized what Del might be thinking.

"Del, what in the world...! What kind of thoughts are running through your head!"

Hunter exclaimed loudly and let out a long sigh.

"No, I mean, You just told me to spread your arms. You could have simply asked me to raise my arms..."

Del grumbled and took a step back. Hunter, feeling the awkwardness of the situation, took a deep breath and raised the tape measure again.

"So, are you going to raise your arms?"


Del lifted both arms. Hunter quickly regained his composure, calmly reaching under Del's arms. In a posture reminiscent of a back hug, the familiar scent of Del permeated the air. Hunter felt warmth gathering in his lower abdomen.

"Oh my... Not again..."

It happened again. Whether it was when he fell on Del yesterday or when he smelled Del's scent earlier, this sensation troubled him. However, Hunter had no intention of giving the task of measuring Del's body to someone else. Even though the assistant was also a man, the thought that this foreign man might experience such a sensation with Del made something boil inside him.

It's a mess.

Hunter thought to himself as he provided Del's chest measurement to the designer.

What happened to me?


How did Hunter end up like this?

I checked the favorability level hovering above Hunter's head. Favorability level 42. The favorability level was rapidly skyrocketing.

Moreover, the constant attempts at physical contact and measuring my body were extremely suspicious. Even the gaze directed at me was becoming increasingly mixed with desire. It felt like an emergency alarm was ringing in my head.

I had thought that even if I got engaged and married to Hunter, we would never share the same bed. I believed there wouldn't be any demand for such a thing, and the thought never crossed my mind.

However, I was completely mistaken. In this game, 'Platonic Love' was as mythical as a unicorn.

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