"If that's the case, fix Woofu right now. Of course, if it goes wrong for Woofu, it also mean the end of your life here."

Hunter placed his hand on Woofu's body as he spoke. His words were about 1.2 times faster, he seemed quite impatient. It was the moment I had been waiting for. I looked straight at Hunter and took a step back.

"Sorry, Your Highness Hunter. If you want me to fix the tiger, you'll have to consider my conditions."

"Speak your conditions."

I was worried that he might protest or be upset by my conditions, but Hunter seemed to consider it natural that I would make some demands. Of course, I couldn't even imagine what I would demand. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Please marry me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Marriage. To be precise, a contract marriage."

My face was reflected in Hunter's indifferent violet eyes. He scrutinized my face as if trying to find any hidden meanings behind my words. I faced him with confidence, although deep down, I was a bit nervous.

"Marriage to the Prince of the Melian Empire?"

He said slowly.

"In any case, marriages among the aristocracy or nobility are all like contracts, but ours would be a bit different since it has a set period."

Since the moment I decided to conquer Hunter, I had prepared and organized the words I would say. I continued confidently, even though I was a bit intimidated.

"As you know, I am a child born into our family. I can't go back home as it is, and I don't want to be exiled again. To break free from Narcissus's influence, I have no choice but to enter a more powerful family. I want that family to be the strongest aristocratic family in this empire."

"You're bold. What's in it for me?"

"As you know, Your Highness, you currently hold the title of prince, but you're not the only heir, right?"

Below Hunter, there were rows of princes and princesses. Among them, the most frequently mentioned successor along with the Crown Prince was the Second Prince. The Crown Prince, who gained strong popularity among the people for his sacred tiger, consistently showed excellent abilities. The second prince enjoys the support of the nobility thanks to the wealth of his maternal family. The battle between the two successors for the throne has been going on for several years.

"You need the support of the nobles, don't you?"

"Even if I marry someone abandoned by the family, what support can I get?"

"Of course, our family will stand by the Second Prince. But, Your Highness Hunter, it's me, Del Narcissus."

Hunter tilted his head slightly, looking puzzled. For dramatic effect, I lifted my chin.

"The Daffodil of the Empire."

In the game, choosing Hunter's route automatically turned all the noble families related to Hunter's followers into supporters of the Crown Prince. This was probably true in reality (if we could call it that). In the midst of people going bankrupt and committing suicide because of me, it was easy to gain support by siding with the Crown Prince.

But Hunter seemed less impressed by my logical reasoning. He blinked a few times and spoke quietly.

"Do you really think you could convince me with that ?"

"I understand it's hard to believe. But announcing our engagement will bring noticeable changes. Moreover, the greatest benefit Your Highness will gain from this marriage is honor and public opinion."

I pointed at Woofu.

"If I can't fix Woofu here, Woofu will soon die."

For the first time, Hunter showed a bewildered expression. His gaze shifted from Woofu to me.

"If Woofu dies, I'll be treated as a traitor to the empire. If the sacred animal of Eura, the guardian animal of the empire leaves you... it can be interpreted as if the gods abandoned the Crown Prince."

"That's right."

I quietly added as I looked at Hunter's face.

"And Your Royal Highness will be saddened."

Hunter, without saying a word, gently stroked Woofu's head and ears. The satisfying growls and menacing roars mixed, resonating throughout Woofu's body.

"How much time are you thinking for the deadline?"

"Engagement for a year, marriage for a year."

In the game, Hunter's ending concluded with marrying Del and becoming the Empress. Therefore, it was necessary to not only maintain the engagement but also proceed to marriage to achieve the true ending. Considering preparations for a stable life even after divorce, I estimated that about a year would be needed. I cheerfully waved two fingers.

"Just give me two years, and I'll cleanly divorce you."

Hunter nodded. He extended his hand to me. I shook his hand vigorously and secured the promise to proceed with writing the contract.

"Now, let's fix Woofu."

Hunter spoke with a firm voice. However, his slightly rushed tone hinted at his anxiety. I approached Woofu, who looked at me with a dazed expression due to the catnip smell. Then, using both hands, I opened Woofu's mouth wide.

"What are you doing right now?!"

Hunter sounded flustered, raising his voice, but I paid no attention and put my upper body into the tiger's mouth.

"Del Narcissus!"

"Please hold the tiger's mouth!"

Shouting as loudly as possible inside the hot, damp, and sticky tiger's mouth, I reached my arms towards the giant throat.

"Welcome to Del Narcissus's crazy show."

[You guys tell me if you want me to publish 20 chapters each day or more than 20 each day to get caught up with the novel cuz i can do that ☺️]

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