She arrived at the office and summoned Paula.

"yes, Boss!"
"my ring, I gave you my ring because I trusted you. And you telling me you lost it? Do you have any idea how that makes me look in front of my wife? She doesn't trust me. She doesn't believe me, she doesn't love me the same. So I need you to think. When last did you see it?"

"I didn't lose it, boss. I was covering for your daughter. I gave the ring to Halle" Paula said.
"okay good. So it means Halle has it right?" she said calling her daughter 

Halle: sweet mother
Tasia: I need my ring baby. Where is it?
Halle: Your ring? What ring mama? Oh... ring? I gave it to Auntie Gina. I was playing a drinking game I didn't wanna lose it.

Fantasia called Gina.
"gosh she better have my ring"
Gina: Hey dum-dum.
Tasia: you got my ring right?
Gina: ring? Oh... That ring. Uh... Well! I just. Okay ask Gabi
Fantasia made another call. Now she was getting pissed.
Gab: hey Sis
Tasia: I need my wedding ring.
Gab: oh, I only had it for like a second and gave it back to Gina. I told her I tend to lose tiny items. She put it in her pocket.

Fantasia cursed and called Gina again.
Tasia: Gina you got my ring, stop playing games.
Gina: I don't. I swear I gave it to Gab.
Tasia: but she gave it back. Search your pockets.
Gina: I was wearing a dress that night Fantasia. What pocket?

"she was wearing a long dress I remember because I was drooling over her," Paula said. Fantasia looked at her and slammed her phone off the cradle.

"Somebody got my ring. And I need to find out who and what they gonna do with it. See? This is why I put a digital tracker on everything I buy. But my wife doesn't" Fantasia said. She was frustrated.
"we will find it. I promise boss, this is my fault. I will help you find it"

Fantasia groaned.

That evening.

Taraji was still in her Chambers. Working late.
Soft knock.
Lana opened the door, it was Gina. "Your honor is time for me to head on home, anything you need?"
"no baby girl, all set!" Lana nodded and shut the door behind her.

"Hey, anything on Momma's case?"
"not enough to go around with,yet. What are you doing here?"

Gina shrugged. "you always talk to me. So I was here to try to get you to vent, you don't look happy anymore. Or you are happy, you are just always sad"

"I'm not happy!" Taraji said. "yeah?"
"I'm sorry about everything Raji. Gosh, my sister. She is selfish as fuck. But I love her and I know she loves you. So I'm here on her behalf to apologize to you. And take responsibility for my actions. Taraji I lost your ring. Fantasia handed it to me before coming to bed that night. I don't know, I gave it to Halle then she just gave it back. I lost it" Gina said.
Taraji stood up and walked closer to Gina
"Okay. You lost it. It's fine. We will figure something out" Taraji said looking in her eyes.
"Will you forgive her?"

"I already have!" Taraji said touching Gina. Gina swallowed hard. "I have to go" she breathed intensively.
"what's the rush baby girl?" Gina cleared her throat. "Raji!" she muttered with a husky voice. "what are you going?" she asked. Taraji's hands slipped between her thighs, and she pulled her dress. "you don't want me to touch you?"
"No, please no!" she said.
Tataji pulled away. "okay. Go!" Taraji said. Gina couldn't get out of there fast enough.
She got in an elevator and started touching herself. "Fuck Taraji" she expressed.

That night.
Taraji went home and found Her wife Talking and laughing with her sisters and Lisa. It was Friday and they were having a girl's night. Gina's spilled her wine in Taraji's presence. "Shaky much?" Fantasia joked. They laughed. "hey beautiful," Fantasia said standing up to get her wife's coat. Then they kissed.
It made Gina's heart skip. She swallowed hard 
"We are having a big slumber party. Care to join us?" Fantasia asked with a smile on her face.

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