"Hey, wake up. Pull yourself together."

I pulled up the sleeve of my fur coat and pressed it firmly against the knight's forehead to stop the bleeding. The sensation of warm blood soaking my hand was vivid and unsettling.

How can this be just a game character?

"Open your eyes! Hey!"

Even as I slapped the knight's frozen cheek, he didn't open his eyes. Intuitively, I sensed that this person would soon take his last breath.

No, so quickly...? Really going to die? Like this?

My fingertips trembled. What should I do? Artificial respiration? CPR? What should I do...

"Hey, get out of the way."

At that moment, someone took the knight away as if snatching his body. When I looked up dazedly, Khan Alexis was wrapping the knight's body around his shoulders as if it were a familiar routine. In the ashy storm, his black fur coat fluttered.

Khan swept his hand to get rid of the icicles while muttering, "Really annoying." He then draped the knight over his shoulder and began walking in the direction we were heading before. Shivering and dumbfounded, I sat there, but Khan turned his head with a slight tilt and spoke loudly.

"If you want to freeze to death, stay there."

At this moment, he was helping us. I gathered strength in my trembling legs and stood up. Following Khan, I looked at the footprints he left. Although the shouts to stop echoed continuously, I didn't halt.

I could avoid the mature content somehow. For now, I needed to save that knight.

Khan, mumbling, continued walking towards a colossal carriage at the end of the path. Confidently, he opened the carriage door and placed the bleeding knight inside. Turning around, he glanced at me. His expression, stern, seemed to deliver a reprimand to my sluggishness.

I struggled through the snow, determined. As I approached the carriage, Khan, as if dealing with a small animal, grabbed the fur collar of my coat and effortlessly lifted me into the carriage. Swiftly, my body lifted off the ground. He put me inside the carriage just as easily and then, with a unsatisfied expression, squeezed himself into the carriage too.

Khan tapped the carriage wall twice shortly, and simultaneously, the carriage started moving.

"What about our horses? They are tied up!"

"My subordinates will bring them. Right now, saving lives is more urgent."

"...Thank you."

In response to my gratitude, Khan made a fist and scanned me from top to bottom. Curiosity sparked in his golden eyes.

"You, are you a criminal?"

Riding a carriage for transporting prisoners to the North, it was natural to be a criminal, but it complicated the story as a noble like me, accompanied by a knight escort.

Many prisoners were sent to the Ice Prison. As a common punishment, those who committed the worst crimes were thrown into the northern forest to become prey for monsters. After dumping prisoners like trash without giving them a single coat, most of them either perished or became prey for the creatures.

The northern lands were vast, and since corpses neatly disappeared, Khan didn't have much regret about Southerners treating the North as a garbage disposal site. However, the case was different for nobles who committed crimes and were banished here.

Those nobles who committed heinous crimes or fell out of favor with their families were genuinely 'sent away.' It was not just sending them; it was more like how parents in ancient times sent troublesome children to a boarding school. The Ice Prison was almost treated like a reform institution.

Khan couldn't freely kill or punish those noble individuals. Therefore, he tormented them severely to make them run away from the North on their own. Of course, in this world, being a realm of mature content, the torment referred to sexual harassment.

After roughly recalling the setting in the North, I crouched down subtly.

"What crime did you commit?"

Khan, running his thumb across his lips, asked casually. I swallowed hard. I had to answer well here. The worse the crime, the more merciless Khan would be in tormenting the person.

"I, I was falsely accused."

I answered with a voice almost resembling goat vibrations, trembling.

"Most of the people here claim they're innocent."

"I'm really innocent. I didn't do anything! People accused me of trying to kill my younger sister, a crazy old guy tried to attack me, I didn't put much effort into it, but the prison door broke......"

As I spoke, I realized I was genuinely unjustly accused.

Do you understand the feelings of an ordinary person who accidentally entered a mature content game while taking a nap? Probably not.

However, Khan, losing interest in my prolonged explanation, took out a dagger from somewhere and began twirling it. From his perspective, it was just playing with a knife, but for me, the scene itself was a tremendous visual and auditory threat.

As I cowered back in fear, Khan with an animalistic gleam in his eyes, spoke.

"I'll give the prisoners a one-week trial period. During that time, I'll figure out what kind of guy you are."

The sharp blade danced brilliantly between his fingers.

"By the way, the trial starts now."

Khan chuckled. His cheerful, boyish smile felt like a child innocently detaching wings from an insect, devoid of malice.

At that moment, the knight lying beside us, continuing his faint breaths, twitched.


The knight's groans were overshadowed by the howling blizzard outside, but Khan, sitting right next to me with exceptional physical abilities, could hear the groans clearly.

Simultaneously, a ding-dong sound resonated from the front.

[Khan Alexis's Favorability +1]

Did you even hear that knight's groaning sound?


(*Note* Hello, this is my first time translating a series and I'm happy to share this novel with you all 🙂 Please comment on chapters, I would love to see your thoughts on the chapters) {translators note☺️}

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