Not Without A Fight

Start from the beginning

"I need to know baby, do you believe she got something to do with it or you just don't like her, I mean Gina said it before. Is the first time I hear you say it out loud. So tell me, did I marry the woman who murdered my wife?"
"Yes, Dad. You did, and deep down you know it, you are just choosing to live in denial. You know it's funny, all these years I had power but never dared to reopen her case like Taraji just did. I love that woman. She is... Dad, why did I mess my marriage up? Do I have issues I need to know about?"

"Yes, baby. You have a lot of issues. You are afraid of loving hard because you lost somebody you loved very much before. You are a heartbreaker but I blame myself for raising you into such a strong girl who hardly shows vulnerability."

"I wish I could rewrite my marriage history. I would do better with my wife. And since I can't I'm just gonna live the rest of my life, apologizing and trying to make it right"
Ben nodded. "Where you about to let them put me out in my own home?"
"Please Tasia, you know me better than that, how about I just ask you that question, was I?".Fantasia shook her head no. "Exactly. I just wanted them to strengthen you out a little for waking up in an unshakable mood this morning. And taking shots at everybody. What's going on?"

"she's sleeping with her best friend. And I think she is reprioritizing. And I'm not more important than her anymore. I felt like shit, I just snapped you know. I'm sorry Dad, that was uncalled or"

Ben nodded. "get in check with your anger baby, it's not good for you. Okay? Do it for me"

"I will Daddy!"

After Taraji called for an autopsy review of Jackie Jackson-Barrino. She called to pull every file out regarding her death which according to her children was nothing but an unsolved murder.

She then called Gina.

Gina: hey sis,
Tarajii: what do you remember about your mother's death?
Gina: everything. She had a migraine for a week and was on a sick bed. Her maid at the time aka my evil stepmother, was in charge of her meds. Then out of a sudden Mom's migraine became food poisoning. But in her autopsy, they found a bug that was eating her brain. Like she had a brain tumor or something. Everything was confusing. The cops said it didn't make sense. But now that I'm a doctor. She was fed a bug that ate her brain and then poisoned. She killed my mother because dad was cheating on her. I hate him sometimes.
Taraji: thank you. You were most helpful.

While sitting and checking some press regarding the death. Fantasia joined her. "Hey, about this morning when I attacked you and Dad. I didn't mean to. Just that you are fucking your best friend and she's becoming more important"

"Why didn't you tell me about your mother?"

"Who was gonna believe me? A little girl who is bitter that her mother died and her father remarried or y'all were lucky to believe the woman who convinced everybody including my dad that she was innocent and did everything she could for my mother?"

"I was gone a believe you," Taraji said. Fantasia was turned on. "Baby I love how you defend me. How you stick by me even when I just pissed you off. I love you Taraji"
Taraji stood up. "look at the time, I'm late for my flight. Take care of yourself" Taraji said.
Fantasia became sad. "so, we are not going to have our final touching moment anymore?" she asked looking up at her.  "I don't feel like doing that anymore, I'm not feeling it anymore. I don't think I'm feeling you like that anymore" Taraji said. Every time she said "anymore" Fantasia wanted to gag hard. It broke her heart, and she frowned. Shit hurt. It injured her heart very badly.

"Goodbye Fantasia. See you in court!" Taraji said and walked away. She changed and talked to Ben privately before leaving.

"Your wife would like to see you in her room before you leave," the help said. "no thank you. I've said my sincere goodbye to her. Tell her I left" Taraji said and got in a Cab and left. Fantasia saw the cab pulling away through the window in her room.

She started pacing and kicking things "I can't lose my wife. I'm not losing her without a fight. I won't. I'm not, no!"

She picked up the phone and called Brooks.
Brooks: Tasia hey,
Tasia: I like you a lot. I have no beef whatsoever with you. But I have a problem with people who are taking my place. I know you and my wife are fucking Danielle. I don't like that one bit
Brooks: is just sex Tasia relax. I have no intention of taking your place in Taraji's heart because I know it is impossible. She will never love anyone the way she loves you. Sure she needs to have fun and I love her tongue game. But, It's just Sex Fantasia, she needs me right now. I will back off by the time you too are resolving your issues. I'm not taking her from you, baby girl, I'm just being her hiding place whilst she needs one.
Tasia: Will you stop immediately when I need her back?
Brooks: no but I will stop immediately when she needs me to stop. Right now she doesn't, so no, I won't stop
Tasia: how would your husband think about this huh?
Brooks: he will never find out cause if he does... There will be hell to pay for the snitch 
Tasia; I've already lost it all baby girl. I'm going through hell right now, there can never be another hell bitter, hotter, and cruel than this. So...bring it.
Brook; Tasia what do you want?
Tasia; you to stop sleeping with my wife.
Brooks: You do know that if is not me... it's gonna be somebody else right?
Tasia: that's better because she is not gonna prioritize them or fall in love with them. But I can't trust that not happening with you. You two already love each other, it won't be too late before y'all fall in love. So please Dani, I'm desperate.
Brooks: if only you knew just how much Taraji loves you. You wouldn't be threatened by anyone or anything. Taraji loves you Fantasia.
Tasia: I don't know that anymore. Will you do this, please?!!
Brooks: sure okay. I will stop.
She then packed and went back to New York
She showed up at Taraji's doorstep.

"What now?"
"Remember this is my house. In my fucking name. So honey I'm home" FanTasia said walking in.

Taraji"a jaw hung.
She slammed the door. Fantasia turned smiling. "Any house rules I should know about?" she was enjoying this.
"yes, get the fuck out of my freaking way, and don't feel a need to talk to me. I'm not obligated to respond":

"This should be fun. I'm taking the master bedroom...but I don't mind sharing"

"I'm not leaving my room, Tasia. But I see the game you are playing and it's not gonna work"

"Really, It's not?" fantasia asked smiling from ear to ear.
Taraji chucked her frustration out. "you think this is a game huh? You think everybody likes to play huh? I don't, but come on, let's fucking play. See you in bed" Taraji was pissed off, she raised her voice. "Are you coming?"
Fantasia was smiling hard, she was already having fun with this. "Be right there baby" She said smirking.
Taraji grunted with her teeth clenched.

One roof, one room, one bed. Fantasia is a mastermind. What's gonna happen?

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