"She's feisty"

"Yes, but shes losing it, i want that girl! get her for me!"

"Will do Boss, what about the boys"

"Kill them."

I started to crawl back towards the door, Eli barged in through the door and walked towards me, He grabbed me up and dragged me into the room. The man looked at me in shock and with annoyance that he hadn't noticed me there.

Eli spoke "I'm sorry Tyler i didn't relise she's gone from my side, she'll be sorry though"

Tyler looked at him and then smirked. "It's fine Eli , we just just decussing how well she did and how you should enter her in more cage fights, she's good!"

"Thank you!, your fighter did well also, a close call, I don't understand why she ran off from me!"

He looked towards Marcy and reconised her instantly. He pionted his fingers towards her with the look of shock on his face "You, how the?!?"

She smirked and got up on the floor "You only did half a job, now give Indie back!"

Eli: Haa, Shut the fuck up girl? You ain't having her back, she's made me a very rich man!" He pulled me towards the door indicating he was leaving.

"Which room are you staying in Eli, you can ummm take our girl here for your pleasure if you want, i'll send someone to collect her later!" Tyler asked.

Eli nodded at him, Marcy was thrown foward, he laughed at her "Payback Bitch!" She was thrown over Jaspers shoulder and carried out the lounge to our room. "Where in room 9C, collect her a midnight, she may be back a little broken, but ill pay for any damage"

Tyler smiled evily "That's fine" He looked at me slyly "See you at midnight"

I was pulled out the room, the rest of the boys followed and we made our way back to our room, i kept staring up at Eli with stupidity, how could he be so blind, Tyler was using Marcy as an excuse to kidnap me.He looked down at me once we'd reached our room.

"What!?" he snapped

I shrugged and walked into the room "Nothing Stupid!"

"What did you just say?" He fumed

"Oh nothing, just about the fact you've been played and you've got three hours to live" I said sarcastically and smilled at him.


"Tyler. He's going to kill you guys and take me, he'a angry that you won, i heard him while i was hiding" I started to feel sleepy, the steroids had finally started where off.

"BOYS!" Jasper boomed "Get your shit! where leaving now!"

They grabbed all there stuff in less than ten minutes and were ready, but they couldn't leave just yet, but Tyler had the hallways rigged with camra's it would look supioucous with all leaving.

Time went on and I was given a gun by Noah "Time to prove yourself girly, cause trust me if they get hold of you, your going to beat, raped and tortured every second, they were the ones who killed your family!" His harsh voice cut through me.


"Right, lets go now, pretend were giving the girl back, while i give her back, the rest of you slowly make it to the van!" Ordered Isaac

I was pulled away from Marcy and her away from me, We made our way to the van, the boys got in, i stood there on the pavement. Tristan looked at me.

"Common get in!"

"No! I'm not leaving her!" I turned and went back into the building, I heard them shout my name to come back, i ignored them. I raced back to the lounge area and walked in. Tyler had Eli and Jasper pinned up against the wall and Marcy was standing by the door shaking.

I took the gun to the men holding up Eli and Jasper and shoot them dead. How dare they touch my boys! My boys?!? Huh am i going crazy. Eli grabbed the dead guys gun and shot at Tyler just missing him on purpose. I walked up towards Marcy and grabbed her. I looked towards the two boys, they were tying up Tyler.

Once they were finished, they walked past me and Marcy. Jasper pulled on my shoulder "Common! lets go!" I spun round and pionted the gun at them. Eli stared at me.

"Don't raise your gun at me girl!"

I kepted it raised "Marcy comes with us!"


"Then i'm not coming!"

"Well i think different girl!"

He walked towards me and grabbed me! i screamed at him " You know Tyler over there going to find you and kill you!"

"Well done smarty pants,that's why were moving, Jasper Bring the otherr girl!"

"Your bring Marcy!"

"No were giving her to my friend, he'll no what to do!"

"What?! you can't do that" I screamed still over his shoulder, we neared the van where the boys where.

"i can do whatever i want girl, be good or ill make sure she's dead this time!"

I gave in and was glad Marcy was with me, but i'd was going to get out of this with her. Alive

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